Chapter 5

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Previously on Torie's POV:




"I'm well aware of the situation but because of the situation at hand with the changelings they want me to come specifically they did send the invitation to La'jar but me. Of course I'm worried if I was given a choice I wouldn't go at all but because of the predicament they have forced this hand onto me so... please Torie don't make it any more difficult than it already is for ok?..." said Nicole in a defeated and exhausted tone which causes stray tears to roll down my face. I run to her and hug from behind as I let my tears go freely.

"Please don't go I don't want you to go!" I cried out loud as stray tears streamed down her face as well as she hugged me tightly.

"I know you don't want me to go but I have to I promise to come back in one piece ok?" said Nicole as her stray tears streamed mixed my ushered ones.

"I don't want to go through losing you again," I say as I cry harder into her La'jar is silent the entire time as he looks crestfallen with the whole situation as well.

"Goodnight Torie I'll see you and the children off tomorrow morning," said Colie as kissed the top of my head and entered her room with La'jar behind her.

"Those bastards best not do anything to her or I'll kill every single last one of them." I thought in my head with a vengeance.

Torie's POV

*the next day*

I was so frustrated from yesterday but now I'm pissed because the coronation may take longer than expected and Colie might not be back in time for my birthday. I was seeing her and La'jar off as they said their goodbyes to their parents as I was in a pouting fit. Now I really didn't want my cousin to go, I know I was being selfish but their kids weren't making it any easier for them either. Neveah wouldn't let go of her father's leg while crying, her sister Estrella was at his other leg along with Maliq, and both Roshan, and T'sha're were at Nicole's legs. I was busy holding onto a crying Saphie (Saphrina) and Emmie (Emeraldella) as they wanted both of their parents.

"You know this could be a sign for you to stay!" I shout over all of their crying children who are starting to give me a headache.

"Torie *sigh*... You know as well as I do that-" but she got cut off when Leah and Tri'ste showed up.

"Sorry to cut your conversation Lou'dte kale Nicole but I think you two are leaving now." said Leah as she pointed out that the crew were making their arrangements for their departure many of them saying goodbye their families. Tri'ste had my nephews in his arms while Leah was carrying my other two nieces Neveah and Estrella she was doing her best to calm them down thankfully they were just sniffling for now. However... I still had a crying Saphie and Emmie in my arms as they wailed like the dickens right in my ears.

"Calm down little ones there's no need to cry, shh, shh, shh, shh, there there you're both alright now." said my Cousin as she stroked her daughter cheeks gently and kissed their tears away giving them a motherly smile instantly calming her two girls in my arms easily. "I will never understand how my cousin is able to calm down her children like that so easily and on top of that she does it like nothing and makes it look easy! Why do they calm down with her around and not with me I mean yeah they follow orders well but they are never quiet when they are around me. Don't get me wrong I love them but they can be a bit overwhelming." I thought in my head frustrated but mostly mentally exhausted.

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