Chapter 35

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Previously on Torie's POV




"Colie why are you crying? Are you alright? Do you need anything? Are you in pain? please tell me where it hurts." I began to become frantic when she started to laugh. My pupils were with La'jar and the other children until I came back.

"I'm crying because I'm happy Torie," she said and this causes me to sigh in relief.

"No need for tears Colie I'm happy too," I said smiling at her.

"Torie you've been by my side since you were a baby and to watch you grow up into the beautiful young lady you are today it amazes me at how much you've become independent." said Nicole smiling gently at me.

"Colie you forget, I did have the greatest teacher life had to offer me and that was you. You've taught me nearly everything that I know today and I'm going to embark on a journey where you won't be following me. Even though it's a bit scary, it's not the first nor will it be tha last time we see each other, I promise to always come back no matter what." I promised her since I'm guessing she already knew... I would be leaving Yautja Prime for one of the top schooling systems in the galaxy it will either break or make you but I knew I was up to the challenge and over there she would not be able to help me and I would be on my own again.

"I know it just breaks my heart to see you go after all you were my first child I took care of and I know you won't be my last but I promise to do my best in taking care of the little ones you took care of while you were away. You will always be my little girl Torie and I as your mother will always worry about your well being." said Nicole as she kissed my head as I left the room. "I'll come back Colie and that there is a promise," I thought in my head.

Torie's POV Continued . . .

*one week later*

"Ok your ship is all packed up and ready to go, you have plenty of weapons just in case there is danger on your way over there, and your medical supplies has been fully stocked, and I put as many data pads that could fit in one of your closets though I wish you would take more since you never know. And blah blah blah" droned on Nicole she was fretting watching me leave and when she heard about it she was starting to get even more anxious she even suggested that she should tag along with the kids but La'jar and I had refused her offer since we both knew how protective my cousin could be.

"Oooohhh.... Maybe I should go with you.." said Nicole and my eyes went wide.

"No! I mean- Colie you just gave birth like not even a week ago, please your smaller children need you here more than I need you there don't you trust me? And besides I promise to video chat with you every chance I get," I Said trying to calm her nerves as she was starting to second guess herself.

"I do trust you Torie it's this whole galaxy that I don't trust, besides I lost you once I'm just afraid that I'll lose you again" she said cupping both of my cheeks and she had me look up at her.

"I'll be fine after all I had you as a teacher now didn't I?" I say as I hug her one last time before I leave Yautja Prime.

"Do you really have to go?" asked Neveah who looked ready to cry with her siblings and my pupils as they came up to me not wanting me to go. "Lord or Paya have mercy on me, these little ones are going to be the death of me," I silently prayed in my head as I hugged each one good bye.

"I do my little ones," I say almost crying with them because they are all so damn adorable.

"Dow't gwo awntwie pwease sway," said Tijauna and her triplet brothers. Damn their adorable baby speak Colie knows I can't resist them when they speak this way.

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