Chapter 7

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Previously on Torie's POV:




"Shh, shh, there's no need for tears *sob* I'm here, I-I'm here, *sob*" she said through her own tears as she held onto me tighter and rubbed the back of my head trying to soothing me and help me calm down. The Medic then comes out with a wrapped up La'jar who had a few stitches from the wounds that the changelings gave him. "Damn those creatures they hold absolutely no remorse whatsoever!" I thought in my head angry that they tried to get rid of my cousin Colie.

"La'jar..." she starts but then looks down at herself the children step away from her grossed out and thinking that it's pee. But I already know what is is because this isn't her first rodeo of going through with this state of childbirth.

"EW! Mommy why did you pee? Are you scared?" asked my children with worry and confusion. I already knew what to do so I decide to take the children with Leah and Tri'ste as La'jar helps Nicole walk into the room where she will deliver her three children.

"Lord please give my cousin strength and let her make it through this delivery like all the others," I prayed as I brought all of the children to a play room where they can all keep busy.

Nicole's POV

*Hours Later*

"AAAAHHH!!!" I screamed in pain trying hard to deliver these little ones in the delivery room as I tried to push with all of my might squeezing out the little lives that I would bringing into this world. "Why do I keep doing this you ask well like I said I wanted a big family so I'm getting a big family though these little ones were not making it any easier to deliver them!" I screamed in my head as I felt another wave or more of a need to push and pushed with all of my might.

"It's ok my Lou'dte kale we will soon see our new pups, just a bit longer, I know you can do it" encouraged La'jar while nuzzling my damp hair that I know was a little sweaty. I could feel myself feeling a bit strained to deliver this little one but continued to push with all of my might and then the pain stopped as I screamed yet again. I felt something slip out of with ease and both La'jar and I were met with our handsome little boy. He looked so much like La'jar like all of our little boys so far and his eyes they reminded me so much of my aunts his eyes were hazel type. They were a mixture of gold with emeralds and his scaly skin tone was like mine, but had darker shades added to it as well he too was also the perfect combination of La'jar and I. La'jar began to purr immensely as we both got to hold our newest son he was so perfect in both of our eyes just like the rest of our children. We would get to name him tomorrow since right now we had to focus on more important matters like delivering the rest of our pups.

"Hello my little one welcome to the family," I say as I could feel my tears brimming in my eyes not of pain or sadness but of happiness, sadly all good moments come to an end.

I could feel another wave of pain run through me as La'jar gave our pup to the medic so he could be checked over since all three of my pups would be premature like my first child Neveah. I could care less if all of my children were premature I just cared about if they were healthy or not, that's my main concern over everything else. Forget about me just make sure that my children healthy and fix it if they aren't.

"Ooo, mmm! AAAHHH!" I screamed as I tried to push with all of my might. They say the second time is alway easier, EASIER MY ASS IT WAS NEVER THAT WAY WITH MY QUADRUPLETS LET ALONE MY TWIN GIRLS!!! I call bullshit on that notion!

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