Chapter 25

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Previously Nicole's POV




"Very well Tri'ste get R'ka and everyone else we have much to discuss, both politics and affairs with the court and what has become of the capital and I want to hear what is happening on Earth Maki I believe it concerns all us and what has happened to their governments." said La'jar as we all nodded our heads Leah had said that she would watch the children in their playroom along with Alerie Shasunin who was the little girl that Maki adopted. That poor girl is only four and yet she has dealt with as much hardships as I did when I was a little bit older than her, but now wasn't the time to think about such things. Right now we needed to get ahold of our situation about the capital that was overrun with Changelings and get my cousin back then we could set our eyes on Earth and her people. What the hell is going on over there it had only been a few years and yet the stories of Earth were only getting worse as time went on it this kept up I believe that the Yautja would eventually go to Earth and take all of her female citizens since the men were not doing their job of keeping the peace. At least that's what we have heard but I need to find out more on what is going on before we even think out damning all of the men after all not every man and woman can be counted as guilty for what happens on Earth.

Torie's POV

It had only been one day, one FUCKING DAY! and I swear that the fucking Bastard king and this cunt seeking princess are driving me CRAZY! Ever since I left and took on this new investigation they have been bothering me nonstop and I have to say they are really driving me to my limit because if these aren't over thrown soon then I'm going to be the one that make the abdicate their crown!

"Any news yet Cyber," I say once he lands outside my back door and walks in with his own data pad at hand and shakes his head.

"I have come up with nothing on my part and I must say that the king and the princess are far to persistent in knowing how far we have come." said Cyber as he seems just as equally frustrated as I am.

"I swear they are driving up the walls as well, don't get me wrong with the king extending our next battle to next week is fine since that gives us time to not only look into our investigation but to train a bit as well. I don't mind it one bit but my god they are infuriating in want to know the chisme and how far we have come despite me trying to keep on the low key they are really making it even more difficult for us if they keep this up." I say rubbing my temples because my head was pounding Lance was back to his normal self and that meant back to training and to and's, if's, or but's about it either they were currently working on their meditaiting as they focused on their 'ki' and how to find someone else's ki.


"Please tell me that isn't them." I say already infuriated.

"Sadly it is." he said as he showed me who was calling.

"Don't answer it I'm done with them calling we need to focus on our investigation and then train come Cyber we're going to work on our stealth in the castle I say as he follows me with the data pad in his hands.

"AND TURN THAT THING OFF IT'LL GIVE US AWAY!!!" I shout as he fumbles with the datapad.

"Yes ma'am," he said trying to get organized.

Yukio, Lance, Talla!!!" I yelled as they shouted surprised.

"AAH! Yes Torie?" they all shouted surprised to see me and make me loose their train of thought.

"We're going to be gone most of the day don't go causing trouble got? I will know if you had" I said as they all nod their heads.

Wait you're just going to leave them you're not even going to-" starts Cyber but I turn around to cut him off.

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