Chapter 40

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Previously on Torie's POV




"It seems the prince is naive to what we want do you think this will be a good learning experience?" Cen asked me.

"Only time will tell but for now we need to prepare when and only if we are made enemies of each other, after all in order to fool your enemies you need to fool your allies first, do you know why that is Cen?" I asked him as he seemed perplexed.

"Hrmm... If I had to guess I would say it would be so that it would make your lies believable even towards your enemies who don't trust you." Said Cen now understanding what I was getting at.

"Indeed, once we secure an alliance with the Gorthos it will be a sure win when we reach out to other kingdoms, clans, and civilizations." I say smiling as he now gets what I'm doing.

"You are indeed related to Lou'dte kale Nicole," he said as he walked alongside me.

"Of course, how else would I successful politician if I didn't pick up a thing or two from her?" I said in a matter of fact tone with a slight smile to show my pride.

Nicole's POV

"Mama! Mama!" Said my little Sahparinna and Emeraldella.

"Yes my little ones?" I asked my little eager girls since they wanted my attention after all their five older siblings were not here to take my attention from them so they were taking full fledged advantage of the whole situation.

This is what Nicole is wearing:

"Look what we made you!" They said as they showed me their latest drawing it was of our family and the newest additions included

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"Look what we made you!" They said as they showed me their latest drawing it was of our family and the newest additions included.

"Awe it wonderful do both wish to hang it up?" I asked them as they nodded their heads excitedly.

"Yeah, Can we?" they asked at the same time I swear they were two peas in a pod I put their art work up when the door opens to La'jar and I'm guessing he left our daughters and Torie's pupils with Tri'ste again while the boys were taught by La'jar's mentor when he was a child. His name was Toa he is a renowned mentor of over fifty pupils and has high expectations from our sons though I make sure to remind him they are still children when I meet with him.

"Nicole Torie wishes to speak with you," said La'jar handing me the data pad so I could video chat with Torie.

"Torie is anything wrong? Do you need us to come over? Are you feeling ok? Are you getting sick? What's going on?" I asked her like a million questions like any normal mother who was worried about their child.

"Colie, I'm fine, I'm giving you a heads up you'll be expecting a call from Emperor Vortex's Favored Concubine Aditya." she told me which confused me to no end. "Why would I expect a transmission from her? Is her son trying to start trouble for my Torie Oh I'm so going to kill that entire empire no one messes with my family!" I thought in my head already getting furious.

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