Chapter 29

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Previously on Torie's POV




"The reason I wish to-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Boring!" I shout as she looks at me perplexed.

"But I wasn't finished." she starts.

"And you intro to you big speech was beyond boring and unoriginal, when you speak to your audiences you need to be convincing to not only them but yourself as well." I say bluntly but also encouraging her with harsh critique, I was not going to hold back my punches when commenting.

"You aren't going to go easy are you?" said Torie as I smiled at her.

"Nope! Now from the top!" I say clapping my hands as I smile at her.

Hhrrmm... oh how's this sound? *Clears throat* Through my experiences of traveling to different cultures and other solar systems I-" I cut her off again.

"Wrong, when you are addressing to your audiences about the different cultures and places that you yourself have visited never say 'I' it makes you sound arrogant." I say advising her as La'jar agrees silently from the side lines.

"Back to the beginning!" I say as I continue to listen to Torie's speech until she got it right of course I was recording it so she can fix it up later. This went on for a good three hours until she needed a break from making her big speech while I taught her some new vocabulary. "This was going to be a long process," I thought in my head as I took a sip of my tea which was brought in along with more data pads.

Torie's POV

"There! Done I am now completely finished! " I say exhausted when I'm done typing my speech on the data pad I was given by my cousin Nicole.

"Good take a nap with the little ones I know your exhausted we'll finish the rest of your speech tomorrow morning," said Nicole as she and LA'jar put their little ones to bed and I dealt with my pupils and they yawned as well and rubbed their tired eyes.

"Come on you three time for bed," I say exhausted as I put them in the spare bed since neveah and Estrella liked sharing a bed because they were always closer than the boys, the boys were to territorial af course we knew where they got that from.

"Alright get a lot of sleep we have a big day tomorrow." I say as the three of them said goodnight and shut their eyes cuddling closer to one another as they were covered by the warm comforter and not a poorly used ragged blanket that could barely cover any of them. Now they were living a life I had taken from me but was given back to me I'm just glad I get to share it with them now.

"Good night Torie," they said as they yawned and slept soundly as I walked out with Nicole and La'jar as I went to my room and wished them a goodnight.

As soon as my head hit my pillow I knocked out like a newborn baby without a care in the world.

*Next morning*

I woke up to a beautiful morning without a care in the world and started on my natural training routine as I got my new warm-up gear on and had my hair up in a ponytail as I grabbed a few protective gear incase anything happened to me while I was out.

As I walked out I saw Colie about to enter the little one's room.

"Hey Colie," I said as she turned to me.

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