Chapter 33

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Previously on Neveah's POV




"Enjoy the festivities!" said my mama as she was guided down and twirled me and my sisters around on the dance floor we were having so much fun until mama needed a break saying that our future brothers and sister were tuckered out that is until she started to feel a pain in her abdomen and groaned both Estrella and I looked at her worriedly.

"Mama are you alright?" asked Estrella.

"Do you want me to call papa?" I asked her as she was about to answer was she screamed out in pain and groaned more while gritting her teeth me and my sister got worries as we rubbed my mama's back to try and help soothe her pain that when our brothers went to get papa.

"Nicole?" asked papa as mama gave another groan sweat dripping the side of her face.

"La'jar it's time," was all mama had to say as papa stared at her with wide eyes and left no room for arguments as he carried her bridal style and rushed her to somewhere. Leah and Torie gathered me and my siblings as we made our way to the healers hut.

"Why are we here is mama going to be okay?" I asked worried for mama's health.

"Don't worry little ones your sibling were simply ready to make their way into the world now and soon you will be able to see your brothers and sister." said Leah as me and my siblings were getting excited now, "Finally we get to see our siblings!" I though in my excited along with my other siblings.

Nicole's POV

*Hours later*

"OOO, AAAHHH!" I screamed in pain as I could feel myself crowning after giving birth to ten children you would think I'd stop already..

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" I screamed in pain because of my contraptions.

"Alright, Lou'dte kale when the need to push comes you know what to do," said the medic who helped me out with my last three deliveries medic/healer Aja.

"Breathe my lou'dte kale, you are doing fine and soon we will be able to see our five pups." said La'jar nuzzling and purring my head since he knew this helped calm me down. I was already starting to build up a sweat and these little ones were not making it any easier.

"Alright Lou'dte kale it's time for you to push, you need to push now I can see the head of your first pup!" said the medic. I could feel the need to push growing stronger and pushed with all of my might not only out of pain but also of wanting to get these little ones out of me now.

"AAAAAHHHH!" I yelled with all my might and felt something slip out of me with ease when I heard a familiar cry or mighty yell when I see our first child of the quints we were having. He looked just like his father as did all his brothers before him but he had a light tint of my skin tone mixed into it as well but he had inherited my gold eyes and La'jar's scales he would look just like La'jar if wasn't for my eyes that he had inherited. And his tendrils were black just like La'jar's, the medic handed over our first quint child in a blanket so we could hold him

"Hi Gros've'nor welcome to the family," I say cooing gently at my little once he is handed over to both La'jar and I. La'jar is smiling at his first son of the quints he loved all of them the same and was happy to see our child in good health. He then took him over to get cleaned and not even a minute later I feel my contraptions act up again and the second child of the quints was ready to meet the world.

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