Chapter 28

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Previously on Torie's POV




"Knock! Knock!" I say as they look up from where they were cleaning and with tears in their eyes as they dropped what they were doing and cried into me.

"Wait wait wait one at a time!" I shout as I'm tackled by the three little ones who were crying into me.

"*wailing* We missed you torie! We were so worried! We thought they were going to kill you!" they all shouted as La'jar chuckled at the three of them and smiled proudly as he saw me calm them all down.

"Kids remember how I talked about my cousin Colie?" I asked them as they all nodded and looked up at La'jar since they have never seen his kind here before.

"This is La'jar her mate he is here to take us to Yautja Prime," I said as all of their eyes looked me now with wide eyes and shock in them.

"We're really getting out of here?" asked Talla.

"We're really leaving?" asked Yukio.

"And your taking us with you?" asked Lance as he gazed up at me all of them with tears in their eyes.

"Yes, yes, and yes," I say hugging all them and carrying each one as we walked back to La'jar's main ship to finally go home, home such a foriegn word on my tongue now that I almost forgot the feeling of it.

Nicole's POV

I watch the sky for what seemed like forever as the days passed it had been nearly a week already since most of our males and mates went out to take the war to the changelings. I awaited along with most of the women here with their pups for every one of our mates to return from their long journey to the changeling home and back I just hoped that they were all safe and that they would be able to bring Torie back home with them.

"Mama?" Asked my oldest child neveah grabbing my attention as her other siblings were fast asleep and her newest siblings would be due in less than a month now. From what the medical staff has told me and I was beyond huge to begin with since I was carrying five little ones yeah you can thank La'jar for this many little ones.

"What is it my little one? You know you should be in bed with your other siblings right?" I say getting up from my rocking chair as carrying her back to her bed while she rubs her tired little eyes and yawns.

"I wanted to sleep with you mama." she mumbles I sigh as I get in her bed with her and gently rub her head as she slowly falls asleep in my arms.

"Rest now my little one I'm not going anywhere," I say as I, myself slowly drift off into sleep only to be awoken by Leah bursting through the doors and calling out to me.

"Nicole THEY'RE BACK!!!" yelled Leah as her three boys trailed behind her trying to catch up to their rushing mother.

"Huh? What? I say as I'm startled and pull out my dagger and barely miss Leah's head.

"Ah! Nicole what the heck? Come on get up! They're here!" she said coming over to me as she literally dragged me out of my daughters bed.

"Ugh who's here?" I say groggily and yawn showing my three sets of canines, get my little ones up from their afternoon nap.

"The armada is back meaning our mates are here!" she shouts excitedly as my pups are up and awake at the mention of the Armada returning.

"The ARMADA WELL WHAT WE DOING AROUND HERE FOR QUICKLY MY CHILDREN GO GET READY!!!" I ordered around as my three oldest boys got their armor on but Maliq had his on backwards so Roshan and T'sha're were helping their younger brother getting it on right I'm so happy with how much all of my children had grown and to see them becoming more like a big family made my heart warm up ten times more.

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