Chapter 41

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Previously on Nicole's POV




"Oh, La'jar!!!" I screamed out loud as he nipped my neck and kept going faster as I orasmed loud and long with La'jar giving his own growls of need until I could feel my climax coming again.

"Oh La'jar, I'm going to come!" I shouted as he picked up his pace while I gripped onto him as he kept pounding into me wanting to release his seed into my womb.

"GRR! NICOLE!!!" He growled out loud as I screamed his name at the release of his seed inside of me.

"Oh! LA'JAR!!!" I screamed out loud as I felt his seed releasing into me and fill me as I groaned satisfied that I was filled with him inside of me. La'jar stayed above me for a little while longer before cuddling beside me and pulling me closer to him.

"Been a while *huff* since we did that *huff*," I say as I curled into him as he kept purring in response to me and nuzzled my head.

"Who ever said we were stopping," he said as he looked down at me and I looked up at him with a sly smile too.

"Then what are you waiting for my love?" I taunted him as we went into our second round of many.

Torie's POV

I was busy doing yoga and stretching on my mat that I had outside as I had made myself become very flexible with the techniques that Colie taught me.

These are the techniques:

Torie your cousin is calling for you said Cen when I was balancing on my two fingers at the time in my stretches and control of the mind.

"Coming!" I say messing around as I practically run on my hands but bend back and walk normally when I enter the room where I see my cousin's Holographic form.

"So how did it go?" I start off the conversation as my cousin seems to be puffing her cheeks which means that the Concubine offended her in some way.

"I really wish I didn't have to talk about it but because it does concern you, so I will discuss it with you as a word of caution. Don't be too friendly with the Prince I don't want him to think of you as anything more than a friend understand." said my cousin with a serious look in her eyes but I was thinking the same thing long before she even said anything.

"But I really didn't have to say anything since you already knew what I was going to say that now didn't you?" said Nicole as I had a gleam in my eyes since she knew me so well.

"Of course, I thought about this long before agreeing to this alliance, their people are noble but can be narrow minded at times I just needed you to broaden their minds and guessing on how frustrated I'm guessing it worked out in your favor since you wanted to give such advice." I say winking at her as I sit on the couch across from her.

"Well well look at you thinking ahead *sigh* QUIT GROWING UP ALREADY! I TOLD YOU TO STAY SMALL WHY DO YOU KEEP DEFYING MY ORDERS!!!" She shouted at me which caused Cen and Fern to look at me warily.

"WELL IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU RAISED ME SO WELL!!! Besides growing up is a natural part of life! Even your kids are growing up despite me telling them to stop growing they're making me feel old!" I say exasperated.

"If you feel old what does that ME!? HUH!?" she said getting angry at my statement.

"Ancient! That what!" I say laughing at my joke as her holographic form glares at me.

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