Chapter 22

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Previously on Torie's POV




I look in side and find what look like muffins mixed with Kikki berries which are highly poisonous and can kill victims with in a week if not treated with in the first day they say any medicine will not take any effect whatsoever. Thank God and Paya that I got here in time to help him or his outlook in health will not be as good as it is now.

I pull out the muffin as Cyber looks shocked and then at me as if understanding my frustration as to why I said that my teachings are proving useless.

"You two no training until Lance is better got it?" I said as they nodded their head and worked hard to help cure Lance with me.

"You are strong Torie, but... These children... dare I say are even stronger than both you and I combined. The little one named Lance will make it I'm sure of that, I will come back with a healer if you wish." said Cyber as I shook my head. Bringing in a healer, you don't know if he is secretly giving you poison because he could've been payed or he doesn't like you at all so he wants to get rid of you.

"Very well then I too shall wait until the little one is fine in the corner," he said as sat against the wall and rested his head against it while sleeping. I will ever understand him and half of the creatures here but I am thankful that he doesn't hate me and that he's not a changeling since they can take any form anyway. To another stress filled day, as I try to work on my meditation and work on my breathing control.

Nicole's POV

I was walking with La'jar and our little ones to the room where all ten of them will be staying since both La'jar and I had to attend a very stressful meeting the would initiate the corruption in the Universal Council. The Head councilman was to vouch for us but couldn't come sooner because of her particular situation.

"Ok now my little ones you need to stay in here until you father and I come for all of you ok?" I said to them as they nodded their heads. I know Neveah could tell that something was wrong but I know she will be the most responsible when dealing with her siblings.

"Mama, Papa, please be careful," said Neveah being the last one to say goodbye to us I can see her eyes are filled with tears and it breaks my heart as I see her like this.

"Neveah you know as well as I do we aren't going anywhere and no matter how far apart we are, we will always find a way back to each other because you and your siblings are the family that I never thought I would get the chance to have. Never lose hope and never ever lose your spirit my dear daughter." I said as I kissed her forehead and wiped her tears away as she held onto me tighter and La'jar as well.

"We'll be back Neveah you are in charge of your siblings until we get back ok?" I said as they all nodded their heads and me smiling at them.

"Ugh, this is going to be a long meeting isn't?" I asked La'jar as he nodded his head just as frustrated as I was because of the whole fiasco with the impostor Council member. "This should be fun," I thought in my head with so much sarcasm.

Once both La'jar and I had entered the room it was filled with arguments going back and forth curses and threats being thrown at both sides the head councilman Nucleos was yet to make her appearance and yet these fools are starting with things in a war zone.

This is the room where they are in:

This is the room where they are in:

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