Chapter 13

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*This is Neveah at 5 years of age going on 6 damn she looks so grown up!! DX DX DX where did the time go!? DX DX DX*





"RRAAAHH!!!" I shouted as I sliced through the creatures that dared to get even remotely close to me I beheaded a few and killed many. I prayed to anyone that was listening to forgive these creatures for it wasn't their fault that they were all forced to fight for their freedom and kill these being just because they weren't feed enough. I blamed it all on that new king of a bastard that dared to not only put me through this hell hole, but everyone else that wa in here as well. The creatures he forced to fight didn't know any better a they were all driven to madness and no longer were capable of becoming calmly tamed it sickened me with how less of a reguards they force these creatures to become.

From all of the slaves, prisoners, and myself included only 30 of us out of the 300 that went out into the arena survived. After all of the creatures were vanquished the King looked down at all of us and waved his hand dismissively, but still had his eyes traveling to me as my eyes met his with distaste. He had the audacity to have a smug look as he looked upon me I had scrapes, bruises, and a few small gashes on my arms and legs that I'm sure would scar up in a few weeks thankfully it was nothing major at least for my sake.

"This concludes the tryouts for the upcoming tournament my dear citizens! As of tomorrow the real tournament will begin and mark the first round of many for our future competitors to win the ultimate prize their freedom, and high champion!!!" He shouts as all of them cheer on and except for me and the ones that made it out alive. "Hold on everyone I'll be home soon I swear it." I thought in my head as I followed the rest of the competitors through to our new sleeping arrangements.

Neveah's POV

"Ha ha ha try and catch me!" shouted Roshan as our two other brothers tried to catch him Estie (short for Estrella) was making weapons with Saphie and Emmie as Tijuana, Magnar, and Zion were all oblivious to all that was going on around them as they slept soundly. Despite having so many siblings you would think that I would grow tired them fight with all of them, but even though we want to rip each other apart, my mother made sure to keep all of us in check even when she was expecting our new siblings especially. I try to help he out as much as I could since I was the oldest and many were either expecting either me or my four younger siblings to be the next clan leader. Even though I was little I could still notice what was going on around me and probably the only one out of all of my siblings that remembers our Aunt or Tia Torie since my memory hasn't gone away like most of theirs has and mine at one point.

"Ha Ha got you! Ow! T'sha'wre that hwurts! Ow!" yells Roshan as as T'sha're keeps hurting him.

"T'sha're stop that you already!" says Maliq as he pushes T'sha're off of him. Out all of my brothers so far T'sha're has been the one with the shortest fuse.

"Ah, you awre too soft on him! No wonder he cawn't twake a hit!" says T'sha're as he pushes Maliq back and Maliq pushes him as they start to brawl.

"Hey hey hey that is enough out of the two of you!" I say breaking them up as I'm a whole foot taller than they are now.

"He started it." says Roshan taking Maliq's side.

"I saw the whole thing Roshan I know what T'sha're did was not right but his words do hold some truth as well." I say as both Maliq and Roshan give me a wierd look.

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