Chapter 27 part 2

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"Out dealing with this ass holes armies your welcome and the Yautja have been notified of the situation at hand, they'll be here any minute now." said Titily as she smiled evilly at her other brother Kallän.

"What the Yautja? Why would they come... You, you son of a bitch!" said Kallän as he glared at his brother. "Damn talk about a family feud this is one messed up family." I thought in my head.

"Now as Changeling kingdom law dictates if someone of the royal family wishes to take the throne, there must be a challenge with each of the challengers own champions to fight one another, do you accept this challenge Kallän?" asked Sirrio as he looked upon his brother with distaste and malice Kallän was doing the same as he just gave a curt nod agreeing to the conditions and left to go prepare.

"What did you just do?" I asked him, as I came to his side.

"I need your help Torie it is taking La'jar and his army a bit longer than expected to get here, I'm stalling for as long as I can but to no avail, please fight this last battle and our deal would've been finished after all this is you 500th battle win and return back home when La'jar gets here." said the Changeling king.

"I'll do what I want to do King Sirrio but know this I'm doing this as a means to earn my freedom and nothing else," I say walking away to prepare myself for the upcoming battle. "No way am I dying here I'm walking out a free woman." I thought in my head with satisfaction.

Torie's POV continued...

"Torie what do we do we don't have a lot of options you know you don't have to fight right?" said Cyber trying to reason with me but I wasn't going to have any of it this was my decision and my mind was set in motion I wasn't going to hear any of it from anyone and that was final.

"I've already made up my mind cyber nothing is going to change it once it's made up." I say through the changing room door as I prepare for my last fight.

"Clan Leader La'jar is already on his way all you have to do is wait it out until he gets here... Your stalling aren't you?" said Cyber in a matter of fact tone.

"Of course, weren't you picking up on King Sirrio's tone when he was speaking with his brother? It is pretty obvious that those two have a bad history together but if my hunch is correct the Sirrio will be counting on his brother not playing by the book, and will result in an all out war after this little tournament to earn my freedom. I'm far more concerned about stalling the least I can do in this last battle this the last time I will have to see of this place after." I say in a sinister tone while giving him an evil grin. "Let the games begin," I thought in my head. I had all the gear I need my cousins bow, my armored jacket, and most importantly my best friends bracelet, I thought sadly as I remembered Vayuh'ta and all the good times we had together as children I cyber went off to put his armor on and I let a lone tear as stream down my face as I though about everyone back home and how I missed them so much. I'm doing this so I can go back home I wasn't going to let anyone dictate my life and this was my ticket home I was not going to die today as I already had a plan and it involved getting off this planet. I walk out of the changing room to find Cyber waiting for me are the doors that will reveal us and our opponent to be the changeling soldiers that were beside the doors to open them are actually showing me respect as they bowed their heads.

"Please win young Torie, we like actually like King Sirrio for a reason his brother is on another level insanity be wise to treat every battle as if it were your last," said the Changeling and now I remember this changeling he was the one that wasn't as conniving as the other guards who even dared to challenge me.

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