Chapter 26

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Previously on Torie's POV




I couldn't stand to watch this scene so I told the others to move on ahead of me as I would search for higher ground to see how far we were to our checkpoint. I didn't even leave room for arguing as I made my way to the building that the changelings were torturing the poor family. I readied my blasters as I took off my disguise and and shot every one that was beating the husband straight through his head and then fired at the tow who were holding his arms all three had holes straight through their skulls. Then I proceeded to easily dodge the other changeling fires as they aimed for me but I was already ready for them as I blasted each of them, and then roundhouse kicked the other changeling that was stupid enough to come at me once I shot at his blaster out of his hands and knocked him out cold and blasting his him straight through his chest as I turned around to face the family that had been brutally traumatized.

"Yeah, they were looking for me, I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner," I say as I turn around to make my way out of this awkward situation.

"Thank you, Torie," said the wife as she still had tears in her eyes but was grateful beyond words as she nodded to me and I nodded my head back jumping between the building walls and taking out my binoculars that we had gathered from our last battle and scope out the situation. There is an open just up ahead where we can drop off our heavy luggage that is where we take out all of our heavy artillery and blast the shit out of anything that comes our way. I may not know what is going on at the capital but I do know one thing and no one is going to suffer I have anything to say about it.

Nicole's POV

"What is the situation at the capital? What has the universal council decided? Where are the Ancients?" every one of these aristocrats kept asking question after question it was getting really annoying heck even Centanu was getting annoyed and he was the most patient out of all of us on top of that he really doesn't participate in these kinds of politics.

"Enough! All will be made clear once everyone we've called has arrived, so until then, we ask that you remain patient for the time being!" I yelled over all of them as they stared at me a bit ticked off that they had to wait for a few others it wasn't long until everyone that we call for had arrived and damn did they not waste anytime.

"I know many of you have questions about what is happening at the capital and what the universal council's decision was about the situation with the young blood Victoria. Before all else because of the long delay of the universal council's decision we were given no choice but to call in the head councilman Nucleos." starts La'jar as many of the Yautjan's here were shocked that the situation had become so severe that the head councilman Nucleos had to step in and make the final decision.

"And the final decision of the head councilman?" asked one of the yautja Elites as many of the aristocrats were on edge to hear the news as well.

"We leave for planet Quintella in one week that should be more than enough to prepare for war. By next week we bring the war to them!" Shouted La'jar with his clan mates giving mighty roars themselves and pounding their fists in acceptance for their clan leader. "*sigh* Yautja can be so barbaric at times" I thought in my head smiling at my mate.

"R'ka alert all of the clans we are going to bring the war to Changelings, we head to Quintella in one week," said La'jar giving the order as everyone in the room went their separate ways to prepare for the upcoming war.

"We'll get her back my lou'dte kale," said La'jar wrapping his arms around me from behind and me reaching over to him on my right side gently stroking the side of his mandible.

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