Chapter 17

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Previously on Nicole's POV




"I've been watching over you all these years and guiding the council to the best of m abilities though using this gift drains most of my life, even leaving my home takes up much of my energy. I'm sorry for never telling you this I knew you would be saddened at how much time we really have with each other." she said as Ancient Bäckō'sĕvï started to purr and nuzzle her head gently. I couldn't help but compare them to La'jar and I as I smiled gently at the two and thought of how long their relationship has been going and how they ever did meet.

"So you won't be able to come with us will you Head Councilman Nucleos?" I ask her as she turns to me and sighs.

"I will be able to go with you, but however I won't be able to come back since it will be the last time I leaving this place and be able to return back to my people." she said as I look at her with a heavy heart.

"No stay I know it is selfish of but please I beg of you don't go," pleaded Ancient Bäckō'sĕvï as held her closer.

"Why do you think I'm going? I'm doing this not only for you but future generations as well, I knew what I was getting myself into as soon as I took over this position so please Bäckō'sĕvï let me do this. If I don't none of this is ever going to be solved and then where will you or any creature be in the future please my love let me do this." said Nucleos as Ancient Bäckō'sĕvï with a heavy heart agreed as the tears streamed down harder down his face. I even shed a few tears because I knew how they felt and I would be doing the same thing with La'jar if it ever came to that decision.

Torie's POV

*One month later*

Another month has gone by and I haven't seen Titily nor that bastard of king anywhere where they are I don't care so long as I keep passing my battles and they don't bother me for anything else I could care less. And speak of the devil and he shall appear Titily showed up at my door looking rather nervous and walked right on in with two of her guards by her sides.

"Torie," she said as she came up to me but all I wanted was peace and quiet and after what happened last month I've been purposely avoiding everyone so that way I don't have to talk to anyone.

"Fuck off bitch I don't want to deal with you or your brother's bullshit today," I say as I turn my back to her as I lay on my not so comfy bed and try to cover myself with my poor of an excuse blanket.

"Torie the king wishes to see you so please if you would kindly follow me," she said as I turned around to give her a glare. I could see sorrow in her eyes and something else what the word I'm looking for it has something to do with guilt and sadness, ah, yes, of course, Regret! that's the word! Yup regret was the word written all over her face as she barged into my humble home. "Pft! Damn bitch I ain't going anywhere with her!" I thought in my head and dare not say it out loud.

"MMm, nope, I am not going anywhere when I am perfectly comfortable right here in my little home." I say as I continue to face the other way the other guards are right behind Titily ready to attack me for disrespecting Titily and her king of a bastard brother. Titily stopped the guards in mid step as they were ready to attack me, but I was ready for anything since I always had a few daggers in this poor excuse of a blanket but you wouldn't know that now would you he he he.

"Easy she's just baiting us," Titily told her guards.

These are the guards:

These are the guards:

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