Chapter 16

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Previously on Torie's POV




"Then... What if it were me?" she said but she wasn't meeting my gaze with her alcoholic drink in her hand as she started to flush a bit and looked rather insecure at the moment causing me to spit out my drink away from me and her.

"*cough* wha- *cough* what? *cough*" I say as she leans in closer to me.

"What if you became one of my servants would you accept me? Would you let me make you mine?" she said in almost a whisper like tone with hooded eyes as put down her drink and had one arm around me while the other clutched my chin to look up at her. "Ok this bitch is drunk as fuck!!! ABORT ABORT ABORT!!!!" I thought in my head as I pushed her away with a slight blush on my face not because I like her but because I felt embarrassed that someone asked me if I thought of women that way.

"No never would I ever give up my freedom, I'll earn it without anyone's help and that's FINAL!!!" I say storming out of that place and collecting my things as I returned everything I borrowed and went back to my little camp with all of my things.

Titily's POV

I grabbed the drink I put down and clutch it tightly as I felt a tightness in my chest that hurt it was so painful but yet exhilarating at the same time. This Torie really is something to make me have the feelings that I've tried to suppress all this time. I knew when I first meet her here I wanted her to be by my side, but damn my brother just had to make her a prisoner instead of a servant that I could keep. As I got to know her more and more the harder it was to keep myself in check and stay away from her, but her charm and beauty tonight made it all the more harder to control myself and show off my true intentions. I wanted her and I knew I had to keep her away from my brother at all costs the only way I could think of doing so was either be her patron or have her as my servant, but my King brother ruined everything in that sense. So here I am stuck with myself on how to handle her situation and make sure she saw the fate of freedom once again.

"You really are an idiot dear sister," said my brother as he came out of the shadows and gave me a hard look.

"Is it really so wrong to want something that you can never have brother," I said in a solemn voice as I bow my head in respect to him.

"She is the enemy and here you are confessing you infatuation with her dear sister, she doesn't belong to you and she never will for she will be mine since she is my prisoner make sure you don't forget that." said my king brother as he starts to choke me and give me a hard glare and then releasing me and making me fall to my knees in front of him.

"*cough* S-she will *cough* n-never be yours *cough* i-if you keep *cough* he-her caged up like this *cough*." I say in a raspy voice as I try to catch my breath.

"Hmph we shall see," he leaving me on the floor as I stayed there helpless and not knowing what to do for Torie. My brother was either going to win this bet or have her killed I needed to do something I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. It was one of the reasons as to why I had contacted Nicole and she saw my honesty in wanting to help her cousin. La'jar wasn't happy that I was meeting them but even Nicole knew that if they killed me or held me for ransom that my brother wouldn't give a shit about me, and say go ahead and kill her, she is of no use to me anyways, she's just another headache to get rid of. I already knew my brother and was grateful that Nicole trusted me with the three items and if she got wind that I betrayed her she wound hunt me down and kill me herself. Even I knew that Nicole's weren't to be taken lightly after all she did me a huge favor by killing my father since my brother was easier to be influenced from his lack of experience I gained his trust by becoming his spy while also becoming Nicole's as well.

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