Chapter 36

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"I see you are faring will Torie," said La'jar.

"Indeed, I came to call Colie as requested but ended up with these three answering is she busy?" I ask him.

"You could say that the newest additions aren't making it any easier on us as you already know, they keep making a fuss and causing mayhem in the nursery with their crying, right now Nicole and I just put them to bed. She is resting for the time being with the smallest of little ones in our room since we have to wait a little longer until they are more independent so we may transfer them to the nursery with their other siblings." Said an exhausted La'jar.

"Parent life isn't as easy as it's made out to be now huh?" I say chuckling at his predicament.

"You'll know exactly what I mean when you have pups of your own." said La'jar grunting as I laughed at him.

"Trust me I do or have you forgotten that I babysat for all your little ones before these five." I say as he chuckles and nods his head.

"Sorry to interrupt but we have refueled and will be leaving now." said Cen, as I said my goodbyes to everyone that was on the hologram and went back to my room to relax some more before I the thoughts of Vayuh'ta came crashing back.

"AAAHHH!!!" I yelled frustrated "Why me?" I thought in my head frustrated.

Torie's Continued POV

*Three days later*

Are eating enough? You look a bit thin. Have you been getting enough sleep do you want me to send you a softer bed and pillow? You're not sick are you? Blah blah blah blah blah..." my cousin droned on and on about how much she was worried about me and how she should have gone with me. But then I would bring up how she literally just gave birth and it was her maternal instincts that were in overdrive because she had just given birth and that I would be fine after all sad to say I've been through worse.

"Come on Colie, I'm fine, just a bit homesick is all and besides your kids always make it better when I talk to them. Speaking of which, why is it that three days ago I heard all the little ones got rooms of their own and my pupils are bunking with them hrmmm?" I asked her as she seemed to have a guilty look on her face.

"Oh, he he he you heard about that, he he he, well we were planning on surprising you but we king of renovated a few of the rooms where we would be able to fit the girls and boys in different rooms after all they may train together but they are getting older and it's better we put the boundaries down now rather than later." said Nicole as she bottle fed her son Bryn'jar he was a bit fussy but latched on pretty quickly as he nursed quietly.

"So how are the newest batch of little ones?" I asked her as she seemed to glare at me.

"More fussy than all their siblings combined though I am very appreciative to La'jar who has helped me with all of them." said Nicole as she gently sang the lullaby she always sang to put me to sleep and her children. It wasn't long until Bryn'jar was put to sleep with his other siblings and Nicole gently tucked them all in. her twins and triplets were playing with one another as they chased each other around, were drawing with crayons, and even played with the blocks.

"The room seems more empty doesn't it?" I commented since there were way more children here before, but since the older ones all have their own rooms, it seemed a bit empty but Nicole and La'jar's youngest would have enough room to grow and play in after all it would've been very crowded in here if they stayed.

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