Chapter 34

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Previously on Nicole's POV




"Are you alright my love?" I asked as he turned to me smiling.

"Yes, even though you're the one that gave birth how am I the one that's the most exhausted?" he says as I laugh at what he was trying to say and motioned for him to sit next to me in which he had agreed.

"Because taking care of our children is both physically and mentally exhausting, but at the end of everything it is always worth watching them grow up into their own individual ways and become the people they were meant to be." I say as he nuzzled his head with mine in agreement.

"Agreed my lou'dte kale," he says purring wich lulls me back to my bliss filled sleep again.

"Thank you La'jar for everything you do..." I say closing my eyes and let sleep take over until I hear him say.

"There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you my Lou'dte kale," he says resting next to me

Torie's POV

"Can we please find out now Auntie? Yeah we are way older than last time! Yeah where do babies come from?" asked my nieces and nephews as they bombarded me with questions if they didn't stop I was going to punish them all even my pupils knew where they came from but one glare from me made them shut their mouths in an instant since they knew better than to cross me. As the arena back on Quintella spoke for me already.

"Enough!" I yelled as they all coward before me and I glared at each and every one of them.

"Go sit in your seats unless you want me to get you father in here, and have him deal with the lot of you?" I suggest to them as they each go to their seats and and stay quietly.

"Wise choice young ones," I say when Set'gn comes to my side.

"Are you sure that it is a wise decision to do that Torie?" Set'gn asked me as I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask him dumb founded.

"Using Clan Leader La'jar's name like that do you really think that is wise to do so/" he asked me.

"La'jar knows already when I speak of his name I do so only to his children if were any other incident I probably would use my cousin's name and if that didn't work, I would show them my skills to prove myself." I simply say he looks at me perplexed but understands that Colie and La'jar are ok with it even though he isn't happy with it he makes no other comment towards it.

"I understand what you were trying to do Set'gn but rest assured this isn't that in doing so won't help me in my journey when I leave Yautja Prime." I say, at this news he looks at me shocked.

"What do you mean?" He asked me surprised.

"I'm leaving to continue my studies," I say proud of myself as he looks at me shocked and like he's not sure if I'm serious.

"Why?" he asked me confused.

"Because of them," I say simply while looking at my three pupils as they play with my nieces and nephews. I remembered all the suffering they had endured and I did too for our time on Quintella. As soon as he followed my line of sight he knew what I was talking about when he saw the little ones.

"It is not your fault and you aren't obligated for what happened to them," said Set'gn.

"I know, but if I can help others like them, then I'm going to be damn sure I died trying," I say looking back at Set'gn as he nods his head at me in understanding.

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