Sorrow | Eridan x Goldblood!Reader

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28 Sorrow

"Eridan." You mutter, choking on your own yellow blood.

"Holy 2hiit, (y/n)!" you could hear your moirail, who you just protected, yell.

Your bi coloured eyes look up at the violent, harpoon wielding seadweller before you. In his cold eyes, you swear you see a hint of sorrow and regret, but soon that disappears. Yellow tinted tears stream down your cheeks.

The last thing you hear is your moirail calling your name agonisingly.


Your wings flutter happily as you see your matesprit. You begin running towards him, a grin etched onto your face.

"Sollux!" you yell.

"(Y/n)?!" he sounds confused as he whips his head around.

Your eyes widen when you notice his black and white eyes. You crash into him with a mighty force; you let out a giddy laugh, pressing a kiss to his temple. You pull away and cup his face.

"What happened to you?" you ask, clearly distressed.

"After Eriidan... kiilled you, he kiilled a Feferii and he almo2t kiilled me."

"Oh gog."

"And then Kanaya kiilled Eriidan."

"Well, I guess there isn't anything we can do," you say, "hopefully they god t-"

")(I TH---ER---E!" a familiarly happy voice interrupts the both of you.

You turn around to see Feferi fluttering down, her pink wings flapping behind her.

"Fef!" you grin.

You glance over at Sollux, who seemed to be ecstatic that she was back, although he didn't really show it.

Your grin drops when you see a familiar traitorous violet blood coming down behind Feferi. The pair land and you instantly pull Feferi in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you god tiered." You smile.

"You too."

You let Feferi go to say hello to Sollux, and you look straight over at Eridan.


Eridan's words are cut off by you slapping him. This causes the chatter of Sollux and Feferi to cease as they watch the drama unfold. Sollux was prepared to pull you away if things got too heated.

"You absolute douchebag!" you yell at him.

You could feel tears pouring down your cheeks.

"Why would you do something like that? You slaughtered not only me, but the troll you said you were flushed for and you tried to kill my moirail. All of this because you were a stubborn prick. And you were so concerned about yourself and how you were red for someone who was red for someone who wasn't flushed for you, and you didn't even notice how I felt!"

After your long rant, you look up to see that Eridan was wide eyed and slack jawed.

"You thought you were in pain; just imagine how I felt," you sob, "when the troll I was flushed for killed me like I was just some inconvenience."

You feel your fingers twitch, wanting to pull out your strife specibus.

"You have no idea how much I fucking despise you."

"(Y/n), come on, let'2 get you out of here."

You feel Sollux's hand grip yours. You take one last look at Eridan, who was now crying, his blank eyes showing the same sorrow it had when he killed you. You turn back around, never looking back.

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