Solitude | Chixie x Reader

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99 Solitude

You wrap the blanket around you tightly as you stare at the plain wall in front of you. The pillows and blankets surrounding you make it too comfy to move. You had just finished eating and now wanted to take a nap. You've had to eat more food later, and you were sure it was from a lack of sunlight. For a creature that thrives in the sun, you sure haven't gotten much since you crashed here.

You hear your palmhusk buzz, but can't be bothered moving so you just leave it. It felt good to finally rest. You close your sore eyes and drift off into a peaceful slumber.



You nearly jump out of your skin when you hear something from your hive crash to the ground. You get up onto your feet and look around, hoping to catch a glance at whatever made the noise. Your eyes drift until they come across a small figure.


"Hi (y/n)." she waves awkwardly.

You kind of freeze for a moment.

"Um, don't take this the wrong way," you gulp, "but why are you here."

"Oh/well I had called you but you didn't reply/" she mumbles, "so I came to check up on you."

"Oh, alright then," you smile, "care to join me."

You gesture to the pile that you've created, a smile gathering of food and drinks beside you.

Chixie seems to stutter for a moment before nodding and making her way over. She slips in beside you and you wrap her in the blanket. You reach over and grab the husktop that Tagora had given you (because apparently his way to show friendship is buying you stuff). You turn it on and look for a movie to watch.

"So, why'd you want to talk to me?" you ask.

"Well we haven't talked in a while and thought we could hang out." she shrugs.

"Oh, welp, I guess that's a yes." You chuckle.

You click on a random movie and hide back in the blankets. You were pretty sure the movie was a romance movie, but since you rarely watched Alternian movies, you could be wrong.


Well, you were right, the movie was indeed a romance movie. So now you were stuck cuddled up to your crush, watching two trolls on the movie make out. This wasn't what I was expecting when I cuddled up in my blankets only hours earlier.

"Man/they really are dramatic in these movies." Chixie giggles.

"Yeah, sure are." You nod.

Well, this was awkward, sitting beside your crush and watching making out trolls. You were pretty sure they had been kissing for way too long. Maybe now would be a good time to kiss her? Wait, what if she doesn't want to? What if she's disgusted and never comes back?

'Ah, fuck it.' Were the last words you thought before turning to face Chixie.

She turns to face you, and that's when you lean in. You half expect her to pull away, but instead she wraps her arms around your neck. You circle your arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

It wasn't long before you had to pull away, breathless. You look at her eyes, which were shining with joy. Well, this was definitely better than being alone.

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