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The year is 2014, and it's 9th grade year

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The year is 2014, and it's 9th grade year. Colby and I were pretty close friends. Our friendship had grown so much since 7th grade. We hung out almost every day after school, we were study buddies, and we went to school events together.
Being the person I was, I thought Colby and I were a lot closer than we actually were. I thought we were inseparable, but Colby didn't. He thought of me as a friend, maybe even a sister. But I didn't find this out till later in the story.
I, like every other girl had a major crush on him. The bright blue eyes, how handsome he was for a 9th grader, how silly he was. But I knew Colby more than any of them. Other than his best friend Sam of course. I met Sam a few times and we got along well, we just didn't grow much of a friendship.
Colby was different than the other guys. He was really sweet, caring, and such a gentleman. He was silly and loved to joke around and play pranks once in a while but that was every other guy at the time.

Flash forward to Junior year

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Flash forward to Junior year. My girl group grew from 1 (me), to 5. They were all my best friends. We always hung out, always went horseback riding, and we were always there for one another. Colby was still in my life, but he was drifting away and I could tell. We were hanging out less, he wasn't holding a conversation, and barely responding to any of my calls and texts.
He started doing this app called Vine. I found it pointless. Yeah the videos were funny, but trying to get content in 6 seconds was just..eh. He started to become popular in the school because of how funny he and Sam were.

One night, I let Colby know how I was feeling. How I felt like our friendship was diminishing right in front of me. He apologized and said he'd try harder. He said he didn't mean to hurt me. We moved on from that night and everything had gone back to normal. That lasted about 2 weeks. Then he was back to not responding.
This went on for about 4 months before I called him one night.
My heart was racing and he finally picked up the phone
"Hey" He said, I could hear he was playing a video game.
I sighed "Colbs."
He didn't pause the game, "What's up?"
"I need to talk to you can you please stop playing for a second?"
He sighed, pausing the game "Yeah Hunter?"
I bit my lip, hesitating to respond back, "How come our friendship is disappearing?"
He chuckled a little "what do you mean? I thought our friendship was just fine."
"Colby, I know you don't want to bring hurt to anybody.. but you're hurting me. You can say I'm overthinking and overreacting, but can you just open your eyes and realize that we aren't as close as we used to be and it's only because of that Vine thing? You're becoming popular and forgetting about your real friends."
"No, Sam's still here."
"I meant me Colby! I'm a real friend too! We've been close since 7th grade and it's all going away."
"Hunter, I don't see it. You're still my best friend."
"Then why don't I feel like it?"
"I don't know I can't control how you're feeling about all this."
I sighed knowing that I could just give up but I didn't want to.
"Fine." I said.
I could feel him rolling his eyes and smiling "you love me. C'mon smile."
"There I smiled." I lied.
He laughed "Hunter please."
I groaned, smiling. I couldn't help but smile.
"There we go! I'll talk to you later okay?"
I sighed "alright. Night Colbs."
He un-paused his game "Night Hunter."

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