Before the Race

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When we drove up, it was the day before Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving so tonight we'll be celebrating. I had a barrel race Saturday and Sunday so today I was preparing. And a big race means a ton of practice and little distraction.

I woke up and put on my outfit on for the day. While I was putting my boots on, there was a knock on my door. "Come in." The door opened and Liam was standing in the door way. I laughed a little "why are you up so early?" He shrugged, walking over. He grabbed my hat on the way, putting it on his head "how do I look?" I laughed a little "Like a cowboy." He smiled, taking it off and holding it up with his one hand. I watched him, "Liam, give me my hat." A confused look spread across his face "oh this hat?" I nodded. "How about you come get it." I scoffed, getting ready to stand on my bed. He moved away, "nope darlin, no cheatin." My mouth dropped open "who said this is cheating?" "I did." I bit my lip "alright cowboy." He smiled "close your eyes." I hesitated for a second before closing them.

He ran out of the room and down the stairs. I opened my eyes, hearing him "Liam!" I hollered after him running down the stairs. He ran out the front door, turning the corner. I followed, still running after him. Colby grabbed me in a bear hug once we passed the back wall of the house, holding the hat. Liam stopped, jogging back. I looked up at him "Colby! Let go I have to go–" "Get your hat?" He showed it to me. I scoffed, "you were in on it?" He smirked. "Give it to me!"

He tossed it behind me to Liam. I followed it, "Liam." He tossed it back to Colby "Okay I'll give it back." I walked back over to Colby, holding my hand out. "Under one condition." I crossed my arms "you give me a kiss." I rolled my eyes "in front of Liam?" He shrugged "I didn't say how I just said a kiss." I pretend to give him a quick peck on the cheek before taking the hat from him. His mouth dropped open and Liam quickly picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. Colby grabbed the hat, playfully hitting my butt. I hit Liam's back "put me down!"
He kept walking until we got into the stables. He put me down and Colby handed me my hat. I put it on, looking at them. They high fived "be careful riding today." Liam said, walking up to me and embracing me in a hug. I hugged back, burying my face deep in his chest. "I always am." I said, loving the warmth and scent of his embrace that I desperately missed. He pulled away and smiled "I love you Smokey." I smiled "I love you too Probie."

He walked out, Colby still standing there. I looked at him "You okay?" He looked a little jealous but he nodded "Yeah." I put my arms out and he smiled, walking to me. He wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face into his neck. "You know I'll always love your hugs a little more."
He chuckled a little, kissing my cheek as he pulled away. "I know." "So what are you doing up at 6am?" He chuckled "I'm pretty tired but i knew you were practicing today. Then Liam came up with that idea so I had to wake up. I'll probably end up taking a nap though."

"So, why did Liam call you Smokey and you called him Probie?" Colby asked, holding my hands. I laughed a little "We watch this show called NCIS and it's two of the main character's nicknames. Well one of the many nicknames they have." "Ah." I watched him "why? You want us to have nicknames for each other?" He shook his head "no, I mean no we don't have–"
"Stallion? Stud? King? My entire world? I can go on. I have a ton of nicknames for you. You want one main one?" He chuckled, "I'm gonna call you Koala, so you pick. Did you say 'my entire world'?" I nodded, my cheeks turning pink "you are." He smiled, kissing my hand.
"How about Bear? You know like Koala Bear? So I'll be Koala and you can be Bear." He nodded "perfect."

I smiled, looking behind him then back at him. "Liam isn't the reason I didn't kiss you. I'm just not used to THAT much PDA. I mean, yeah he's one person but he's also my best friend so it's kinda awkward for me." He chuckled a little, nodding "I understand." I put a hand on his cheek "thanks.." We both smiled before I stood on my tiptoes, giving him a kiss. He put a hand on my waist, taking the hat off my head, smiling. I laughed a little, and he gave me a short sweet kiss before putting it back on my head "Be careful. I'll see you at breakfast?" I nodded "Bye Bear." He smiled, walking out "see you later Koala."

I walked over to Imperial, petting his nose "Morning boy. You ready to race today?" I had a huge smile on my face. I opened Imperial's door, taking him out to groom him first. I tied him up, grabbing all of the necessary grooming tools. I brushed him first before picking his hooves clean. After grooming him I grabbed his riding gear, tacking him up. Once he was all tacked up I lead him out of the stable and let him free until I set up the arena.
Once I was finished, I called him over and mounted him.
While running, everyone was watching from the house. I loved the support and cheers from my family, but I needed some alone time with Imperial.
After doing some runs I could hear my dad calling me for breakfast. I looked over towards the house and he was standing on the back porch. I waved back, showing him that I heard him.
I took of Imperial's gear, leading him into the field. I closed the gate, going into the stables and grabbing Sadie. "Good morning sweet girl. How're you today? Did you sleep well?" I gave her an apple before leading her to the field. I closed the gate and headed to the house for breakfast.
I walked in the back door, making my way to the dining room. "Good morning everyone."
They all said good morning back.
I hugged Ellie from behind as she was already sitting. "Good morning my beautiful best friend." She smiled, "Morning." She looked at me and noticed I was smiling. She laughed a little, not saying anything. I sat down between Colby and Liam.
We served ourselves once everyone sat down.
"How were the runs this morning?" My dad asked. "Pretty good. Imperial isn't too tired from yesterday's trip."
"Are you practicing today and tomorrow?" Sam asked. I nodded "Yeah, I've got the races Saturday and Sunday." "All day practice?" Ellie asked. I looked at them "why are y'all asking?"
"We were kinda hoping you could show us Kansas a bit." Jake said. I laughed a little "I mean you, Sam and Colby moved from here not long ago.." "Yeah but you'll show us your world. We didn't live like you do and also we were kinda hoping we could ride horses." Colby said. I smiled "yeah, I think I can take a few hours—"
My dad gave me a look "how about after Christmas?" He asked. "Yeah let's do that.. maybe it'll snow a bit more while we're out."
They all nodded. After breakfast I headed back to the stables, calling Imperial over. He came over and I led him out of the field, tacking him back up. Ellie, Jake, Sam, Colby, Liam and my siblings decided to come watch.
I mounted Imperial, walking him over to the entrance of the arena. "You ready?" Caleb asked, putting his thumb on the timer. I nodded, taking off.
It was like this for the rest of the day and tomorrow as well.
After our big Thanksgiving dinner and running a few more times, I was exhausted. On my way to my room, Ellie met up with me "Saturday is a big day." I looked at her and nodded "Yeah. I'm pretty confident though." She laughed softly "Colby didn't tell you?" I shook my head "no, what?" "You know how he had a surprise for you?" I nodded. "Well he has another, and it's happening Saturday."

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