Ever since

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~8:00 am the next morning~
I woke up with a massive headache. I groaned and looked around the room. I slowly walked to the bathroom and noticed that I had Colby's sweats on. I stopped, thinking for a second. I sighed, splashing some water on my face and then walking downstairs. "Morning." I said to everyone. "Hey giggles." Colby said. I looked at him "what?" He smiled "did you know when you're drunk you giggle? Like a lot?" I laughed "really?" He nodded "well dang. And hey, sorry everyone I wasn't planning on getting that drunk." They all said it was okay.
"Hey Brock, I wanna talk later.." He stopped eating and looked at me "sure." I nodded, grabbing breakfast.
Ellie came downstairs with Jake. "Morning." She said softly. "Hey. How was your night?" She looked at me "fine. Jake said I fell asleep pretty quickly." I eyed the shirt she was wearing and she looked down "oh." "Oh I let you borrow a shirt of mine cause you didn't have one. The shirt you were wearing had some beer on it."
Ellie eyed my pants. I nodded "Yep." "Wow." She mouthed. "Ellie the shorts are mine. And by the way I'm the one who helped you guys get changed." "Thank you." "Thanks Kat."
We all at breakfast and decided to just relax today. I finished eating breakfast and headed over to the couches. I sat next to Corey, Devyn and Aaron who were watching tv. "Hey." I said. "Hey giggles." Corey said. I laughed "whatever. You got drunk too." "When you got out of the car you started walking down the sidewalk so I had to grab you and lead you to the front door." Sam said. "Did not!" Corey looked at him. He laughed, him, Jake and Colby nodded. Everyone came and sat on the couches, watching tv and talking about last night. Colby sat next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, listening to everyone talking.
A few hours went by and we all spread out. Some went upstairs to edit videos, some outside in the pool and some still in the living room but now playing video games.
Ellie and I were upstairs in the guest room talking. "So apparently I told Jake that I thought he was cute.." I gasped "did you tell him you–?!" She shrugged "he didn't say anything about it. But I feel like if I did I would know."
I nodded "true, he'd probably be acting differently."
"So what did Colby say about what you did?" I shrugged "I haven't really talk to him about it yet." "Jake told me one thing." "Really?! What did I say?!" She laughed a little "you said him and Sam are pretty." I laughed "I said that?" "Apparently." "Hm."
"So when are you going to talk to Jake?" I asked. Ellie thought for a minute "I don't know.. soon maybe. When are you going to talk to Colby?" I sighed "today." She paused, looking at me "really? About everything?" I nodded "Yeah.. you know even though I've been acting the way I have been around him I still am just dying to be with him." "I know.. but you have every reason to be upset with him." I sighed, plopping back on the bed. "How do you think it'll go?" I asked. Ellie laid back next to me "hopefully okay." I scoffed "me too.."
We laid there for a while, scrolling through social media and talking.
I sat up, sighing "I better go find him if I'm going to do this." She looked at me "you got this! I bet it'll go smoother than you think." I looked at her "thanks Ellie." I got up and walked out of the room. "Hey have you seen Colby?" I asked Devyn. "Yeah pretty sure he's in his room." I smiled a little "thanks." I walked to the end of the hall and knocked on his door "Colby?"
He opened it and looked at me "Hey, what's up?" "Can we talk?" He nodded, stepping aside "of course." I walked inside, looking at his room "wow." He chuckled "I know." He sat on his bed and I sat on the edge of it. I bit my lip, looking down at my hands. I was fidgeting my fingers, thinking of a way to begin. "You okay?" He asked, moving next to me. "Hm? Oh, yeah." He stayed quiet, looking down. "So.." I cleared my throat.

"Why did we leave our friendship where we did?" I looked down when he looked up at me. "Honestly? I'm not sure. I had thought the same. Why didn't we continue our friendship?" I looked up at him "you know it's probably because since 9th grade you started drifting away." "I don't see it though." I sighed "Colby, you were becoming popular. Any time I'd try to text you or call you I wouldn't hear back. And after our little fight before you left, I kind of gave up trying." He shook his head "I don't believe that. If you gave up, why are we talking?"
I sighed "because I've always hoped that we would have just moved on from that and been best friends again. And yeah, I know you don't believe that we weren't but come on it's not that hard to see." He stayed quiet for a minute before speaking "you're right. I didn't keep you in my life and I'll never know why. And I shouldn't have because it killed me after our argument not knowing if and when I'd ever see you again."
I nodded, listening. "So can we try to be best friends again?" He nodded, smiling. I smiled back and gave him a hug.
"Okay, well now that we're moved on from that.. I have something else to say.." "Sure, what is it?"
"Ever since we met.. in 7th grade. I.. " I ran my hand through my hair "I like you."

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