Netflix and Jealousy

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Later that night, I asked Liam if I could sleepover at his hotel room. Brandon didn't mind as Liam was sleeping on the couch anyways. We headed to the hotel, walking inside and up to their room. Colby wasn't too happy about it but he understood that Liam was my best friend and definitely just that.

We all sat on the couch and watched movies for a few hours. Brandon got up "night guys." He said, walking into the bedroom. "Night Brandon." "Night."
He shut the door and Liam and I continued to watch movies.

Liam's POV
She looked up at me, holding my hand. She spoke softly "do you have to leave tomorrow?"
I slowly nodded "unfortunately." "But you just got here." I smiled softly at her "I know.. but we can still text and call. And I'll be back in December for your first rodeo."
She put her pinky up "promise?" She asked. I nodded, taking her pinky in mine "promise."
She smiled a little and I played with her hair. "Liam?" She said even more softly. I was pretty sure she was falling asleep. "Hm?" "I love you." I smiled, leaning down and kissing her forehead "I love you too."
We stayed up till about 1am watching, until she
fell asleep. She was using my legs as a pillow. I yawned, becoming sleepy myself. I turned off the tv, slowly moving her to the one side of the couch. I grabbed a blanket, covering her with it. She snuggled into it and I kissed her forehead "good night cowgirl." I laid on the opposite side of the couch, falling asleep.

Hunter's POV
I woke up, looking around the room. Liam was already awake and he looked at me. "Morning." He said softly. I smiled, stretching "good morning." I crawled over to him, laying down. He smiled, and I smiled back, but my smile faded once I remembered. He watched me, sighing "hey, don't make my last day in Cali sad." I sighed, "alright. How about one last ride?" He smiled and nodded. We sat up, slipping our boots on. I yawned, looking at him. He looked back at me and those green eyes just gleamed. I smiled, kissing his cheek. He watched me, "Hunter.." I smile nervously "I'm sorry I-I.. you're so handsome and I couldn't help myself... I'm sorry if that's playing with your feelings.." he watched me still. I ran my fingers through my hair "Liam." He sighed "it's alright... next time just say I'm handsome."
I nodded and he stood up, grabbing his hat. Brandon walked out, yawning "Mornin y'all." "Mornin." I smiled a little. "And where are you two headed off to?"
"The stables, wanna join?" Liam looked at me, and Brandon caught on "go ahead, I'll meet up with y'all later." I nodded and we headed out of the room.
We got into an Uber and went to the stables. I rested my head on Liam's shoulder "I can't believe you're leaving today." I played with his fingers. He rested his head on mine "me neither." I closed my eyes, holding my necklace.
We arrived at the stables, thanking our driver and getting out. We walked inside, petting the horses. Liam walked up to Imperial "hey big guy, remember me?" I smiled, grabbing an apple for both of them. I gave Sadie hers and Imperial his. "Colby rode Imperial. I was pretty shocked he even got on him. I mean Imperial bucked but–" Liam looked at me "Colby rode Imperial?" I nodded "Yeah.. I just said that."
Liam continued to pet him, not saying anything "are you seriously jealous right now?" Liam scoffed "no, just a bit disappointed." I laughed, crossing my arms "and why's that?" "Because that means you let him get on Imperial. You wouldn't let me put my damn foot in the stirrup let alone ride the horse."
My mouth fell open as he talked "Liam Bennett so help me you better stop it right now. I don't want to spend my time fighting with you."
He took his hat off, running his hand through his hair. I watched him in disbelief. "Fine, you wanna ride the horse?" I unlocked the stall door "there he is." I walked over to Sadie, quickly putting her stuff on her. "Hunter.." Liam walked over, watching me. "I'm sorry, I don't want to fight." "Yeah well I can't have a best friend who doesn't trust me and is jealous over a relationship that just started."
I climbed onto Sadie, walking out of the stables and started galloping. Liam watched me, quickly putting Imperial's stuff on and getting on him. Imperial reared and Liam fell off into the mud. He watched Imperial trot around the arena before going to catch him.

Liam's POV
I sighed, getting up and walking into the arena. I'm pretty sure I broke my wrist in the process. After about 20 minutes I was able to catch Imperial, gently and slowly getting on him. Yeah I just fell off a damn horse but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Imperial hopped for a few minutes and fought with the reins before listening to my commands.
We took off into a gallop in the direction Hunter went. I eventually caught up to her. Sadie was tied to a tree and Hunter was in her favorite spot. She found this spot while ridding one day and would always tell me about it.
It was on a small hill, overlooking some of LA.
I tied Imperial to the same tree, slowly walking over to Hunter. I sat down next to her and we didn't look at each other.
"I can't lose you." She softly muttered out.
I looked at her "Hunter, I would never let that happen." She looked at me then back at the city. "You have to understand that I like Colby. He was my best friend and is gaining that back. But you're my best friend too Liam. There's enough love to go around. And riding Imperial? It's not that big of a deal."
Liam sighed "I know.. and I'm sorry.. I also hate to change the subject but can we go to the hospital? I think I broke my wrist." I held it up, my hand almost dangling and my wrist was already swelling and bruised. Hunter gasped, covering her mouth "Liam! Yo I should've gone straight to the hospital!" He laughed a little "I'm fine, but yeah let's go."
I attached Sadie to Imperial and climbed on him. Liam carefully got on Sadie, but had a difficult time. Once he was on, we headed back to the stables. I got a mounting block and he carefully swung his right leg over. I put the horses back and I grabbed a car key. I unlocked the truck "just get in, I have to let. Chloe know I'm borrowing her truck." I ran to the barn where Chloe was "Chloe!" She came out "can I borrow your truck?! Liam broke his wrist and I have to take him to the hospital." Yeah of course!"
"Thank you!" I ran back to the truck, getting in and headed to the hospital.

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