KS to CA

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My alarm went off at 4:00 am. I turned it off, sitting up in bed. Today was the day. I'm going to LA to pursue my dreams! Aaaannnd it's too early. I got out of bed, getting ready for the day.

I put the little things I had left to pack

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I put the little things I had left to pack. Necessities, phone charger, etc. I had 3 big suitcases with all of my clothes. My boxes were already sent to the college so when I get there, they should be in my room.
I had a few boxes with all of my boots, boxes with the decor and little things I wanted to put up in my room, a box with my hats, and my camera bag that included my two cameras, a fujifilm camera with extra film, a tripod and my lenses.
There was a knock at the door. It was Liam, my parents and my siblings.
My siblings and Liam came in to help me carry my bags to the car. I stopped as my siblings were putting them in the trunk. I looked at my parents. My mom was already crying. I hugged them both "I love you guys." They both hugged back tightly, not wanting to let go. "You'll be driving me to the airport in like 30 minutes so keep everything for then." I joked. My brother Caleb closed the trunk door. I walked over to the stables with Liam, saying goodbye to all of the horses. I gave them kisses, pet them, hugged them and gave them treats.
I was taking two horses to LA with me. My babies Sadie and Imperial.

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I spent 10 minutes just hugging and kissing them until I heard my sister Ashton calling my name

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I spent 10 minutes just hugging and kissing them until I heard my sister Ashton calling my name. Liam and I walked back hand in hand. We all climbed into the family SUV and headed to the airport.
An hour later we arrived at the airport. 6am and a long trip ahead. Everyone went through security with me just so they could say goodbye at the gate. We sat until we heard the intercom turn on. "United Embraer RJ145 flight number N18557 to LAX for 8:00 take off is now boarding through gate F25. Passengers please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Thank you."
We all stood up and started saying goodbye. I hugged and kissed everyone, tears running down our faces.
"I'll call you all when I get there okay? I love you guys so so much." I kissed everyone goodbye one more time before walking up to the airline check in agent. I handed her my boarding pass and I.D. she checked it and have it back to me. I thanked her and turned around, waving goodbye to everyone. I got on the plane, saying hello to all of the flight attendants. I found my seat and put my carry-on in the bin above me. I sat in my seat, the window seat and waited. Not going to lie I was sick to my stomach. I was super nervous but also really excited.
After a while everyone was finally boarded and seated on the plane. I listened to the flight attendant's usual welcome and safety routine.
I recorded the beginning part of the announcement to post on social media.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight N18557 from Wichita to LAX. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Thank you for choosing United Airlines. Enjoy your flight."
I quickly posted it to social media and sent it to my family and friends. I turned my phone onto airplane mode and got ready for take off. Shorty after, the plane started moving and after 15 minutes took off.
Not long after the plane took off, we were over empty fields. I took a photo and of course took the basic "airplane wing" photo. I had 4 hours ahead of me so I watched movies.
30 minutes before the captain came on and let us know we were going to land shortly, I could see some of LA. I grabbed my phone and took a photo then enjoyed the view.
All I could think was "wow. A big city and your future."
After an hour I finally walked off the plane. I quickly posted my photos to social media. I went to baggage claim and grabbed my 3 huge suitcases. A nice worker came over and offered to help me take them outside. I called for an Uber, walking with the worker. I have no idea what LA traffic is like so for now I'll be taking an Uber before I decide whether or not to buy my own car.
The car ride from LAX to Pasadena City College was 40 minutes. So I decided to FaceTime my friends and family to kill time.
Everyone was so happy and a few still crying from earlier.
~30 minutes later~
I said goodbye to everyone and prepared myself because in 10 minutes my future was about to begin. I looked out the window, looking at all of the people and sights. 10 minutes later the Uber driver pulled over. I thanked him and got out. He got out, taking my suitcases out of the trunk. I thanked him again before he got in his car and drove away. I walked into the building and to the freshman sign in table. I received my key. The person told me how to get to my room and gave me a map of the layout just in case. I thanked them and went to the elevator. I was on the second floor. I got off the elevator, lugging my 3 suitcases behind me. I found my door and stood in front of it.

This was it. The next year lies behind this door... plus my roommate. Well hopefully she's not lying down but I guess you never know in LA.

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