Driving to Kansas

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I decided to go back to Kansas for Christmas. There's a huge barrel racing event in Topeka and of course I needed to be there in my home state. It was the day before Thanksgiving and I was at the stables getting Imperial and Sadie ready to travel. I already rode them before we leave to tire them out. As an early Christmas present, my parents bought me a brand new, red Ford F-250 so I can haul the horses to Kansas.

Ellie walked in, leading Sadie

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Ellie walked in, leading Sadie. "She's all clean." Ellie put her back in her stall. "Thanks Ellie."
"So are you ready to head back to Kansas?" I nodded "I can't wait. It was a difficult choice because I've only been here for a few months and I'm afraid I'll have a difficult time when I get back. But at the same time I can't wait to see my family, friends and Liam." Ellie smiled "I heard Colby's got a surprise for you." I laughed a little "oh really?" She nodded "yep, it's going to be a great one." She pet Sadie and I smiled "we better head to the dorms to get packed, go pick everyone up and come back to pick up the horses. Don't want to leave too late." We headed to the truck and headed back to the dorms. We walked in, grabbing our bags and packing them for the trip. "Remember, it does snow in Kansas unlike California so pack a lot of warm clothes." Ellie nodded "okay."

After an hour we finished packing and locked the door. We got back into the truck, heading to the house. Jake, Colby, Sam and Ellie were joining me in Kansas for Christmas. I couldn't wait for everyone to meet Liam and my family. And yep, Colby will be meeting my parents.

After half an hour we arrived at the house. I honked the horn and a few minutes later the guys were coming out and throwing their bags into the truck bed. Ellie moved to the back to sit with Jake and Colby sat up front with me.
We headed back to the stables and I attached the horse trailer to the truck. I loaded Sadie and Imperial in and got back into the car.

"Alright, so it's a 22 hour drive from here to Stanley. Now, if I start to get grouchy around the 5 hours mark force me to pull over so one of y'all can drive." "I'm not driving this thing." Ellie said. "Yeah and I'm not great at driving big things." Jake said. "Alright so Colby and Sam will be driving eventually." I got onto the highway "it's only 9 am, so we have quite a drive ahead of us before we can pull over for the night."
And I was right, around the 5 hour mark I started getting bored, hungry and grouchy. Everyone noticed too. Colby looked on my phone for the nearest stop and it was thankfully the next exit. "Take the next exit Hunter. We can get some food and stretch."
"I'm fine Colby. I can go a while longer."
"But I'm hungry." Jake said. "Why didn't you guys bring food?" "We did. We ate it all." Sam said. I looked at them through the mirror, passing the exit. "The next one isn't for another 30 minutes." "I told you I'm fine."
"Colby stop singing please!" I turned the music off and he looked at me "take this exit." I glanced over at him "I'm–" "We aren't, Hunter now take the exit." I shut my mouth, pulling off of the highway. I pulled into the parking lot of a really nice truck stop. Everyone got out of the truck to stretch, get food, and use the bathroom. I got out, stretching my legs. Colby walked over to me and I looked up at him "Sorry.." "It's alright. It's only 2, how about I drive the rest of the way and we can pull off to sleep around 9?" I nodded and he handed me a container of fruit. I groaned "but I want chips." "I know, but I thought this would make up for it." Sam came out with Starbucks drinks. I smiled, Sam handing me my drink. "Thank you." I looked at Colby and rolled my eyes "and thank you." I kissed his cheek.
I went to the trailer to check on the horses before we got back into the truck.
I went inside the building and went to the bathroom. When I came back everyone was standing around waiting. I climbed in and they all followed. Colby started up the truck and got back onto the highway.

Ellie's POV
I rested my head on Jake's shoulder as we drank our Starbucks. We were watching Netflix movies and Sam was watching his own. I slowly moved my hand towards Jake's, intertwining our fingers. He looked down at me and I could see it in the screen of my phone. I smiled and I could see him smile back.
I looked up at him, both of us still smiling "what?" I asked softly. He shook his head "nothing." He kissed my forehead and we went back to watching the movie.

~ 9pm ~
Colby pulled into the parking lot of a hotel. Sam, Jake and I grabbed our bags and went inside to get rooms while Colby and Hunter let the horses out of the trailer. We walked into the hotel and our jaws dropped a little. It was a pretty nice hotel for only being 3 stars. We went up to the desk and asked for 2 rooms. "Is it okay if Hunter and I sleep in one room and you guys sleep in one?" "Yeah sure." We got a room keys and headed to the elevator. I texted Colby and Hunter the room numbers. The elevator dinged once we got to our floor.

Sam went into the guys' room. "Good night Ellie." "Night Sam." Jake walked me to mine. "Even though this trip has been stressful and long, I've had a great time with you." I said to him. He nodded, smiling softly "me too." He kissed my cheek and I opened my door, going in. I was smiling from ear to ear and my face was burning red.

Not long after I could hear Colby and Hunter in the hallway. A few minutes later Hunter came in, dropping her bags on the floor. She instantly got changed into her pajamas and plopped down on the bed "Still have a while to go.." she said. I yawned, nodding "yep.." she looked over at me "Good night Ellie." She turned the bedside lamp off. "Good night Hunter." I turned off my light and we both fell asleep.

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