Christmas Eve

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First Week of December
We hung up Christmas lights and wreaths all over the property including the barn inside and out. We also put up Christmas trees and decorated them, all being some of the biggest trees the group had ever seen.

Christmas Eve
I'm usually a morning bird, but last night I was a night owl because Colby and I stayed up till like 1am just talking. What more could we talk about though? You'd think we'd know everything.
Anyways, we slept in till 9am when we were called down to breakfast. I rolled over, seeing Colby on the air mattress we blew up for Ellie because apparently I kept kicking her in my sleep.
I smiled softly, yawning and stretching. Colby woke up, looking at me. I smiled again, "morning.." he smiled back, yawning "Morning." We both grabbed our phones, sitting on them for a few minutes before heading downstairs.
I got up, Colby doing the same. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him before kissing him. He hugged back, holding tightly. He kissed back, "How did my little Koala sleep last night?" I laughed softly, "pretty good. How did you?" He nodded "same." We walked downstairs and we both said good morning to everyone. "Hunter, I was wondering if maybe later you guys can make Christmas cookies." My mom said. I nodded "Yeah! That'd be so fun!" "Is that before or after you guys play in the snow?" My dad asked and we all stopped, looking at him. We all ran to the front door, swinging it open and walked onto the porch. All of our mouths dropped.

It was so pretty

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It was so pretty. Thankfully we were already dressed warm because the temperature had dropped in the past week. We all wanted to run out into the snow, but knew we would regret it. Unlike all the times when we were kids, we always ran out in bare feet and our pajamas.

We went back inside and ate the fresh breakfast that was just placed on the table.
After eating I decided to take a walk to the barn to visit the horses. I changed into a hoodie, jeans, and boots. "Hey Ellie?" I walked to the guest room where she was hanging out with Jake and Sam. "Yeah?" She looked up at me once I got into the room. "Do you want to go to the barn with me?" She nodded, smiling a little. She got changed and we walked back downstairs. "Ellie and I are going to the barn! We'll be back soon!" I called out. Colby was hanging out with Liam and Brandon.

We walked out, the cold air nipping our faces and hands. We quickly buried our hands in our hoodie pockets, trying to keep them warm. We wanted to quickly walk to the barn to get out of the cold, but knew that the cold air would hurt even more.
We eventually arrived at the barn, opening the door and closing it behind us. We took a sigh of relief as our skin slowly defrosted from the bitter cold outside. The barn was warm during the winter, and cool during the summer for the horses.
I walked over to Imperial, petting his nose "good morning bubba. How did you sleep?" I smiled, and held my hand out. There were a few horse treats in it for him.

Ellie's POV
I walked over to Sadie, grabbing an apple along the way. I held out my hand and she happily took it. I smiled, petting her nose. "Good girl Sadie." I looked over at Hunter and she looked over at me, smiling a little. "Want to go for a quick ride? It's been a while since just the two of us have hung out." Hunter asked me. I nodded "is it okay for the horses though?" She nodded "Yeah, they have special shoes on for the snow." We put on winter riding gloves, and bandanas over our mouth and nose. We tacked up the horses and mounted them.

Taking a nice short walk partially around the property was breathtaking. And that's not only because of the cold air piercing our throats. Seeing the property covered in a blanket of snow was beautiful. The trees had snow on the branches, which looked like it was sprinkled on them like powder. The trees and acres of land made it look like something out of a movie. The snow and branches crunching under the horses hooves and their breathing was the only thing we could hear. Other than that, it was quiet and peaceful and I didn't want it to end.

After about half an hour, we headed back to the barn. Hunter and I wish we could stay out longer but we all needed to get back into the warmth of the barn.
Once we arrived at the barn doors, we dismounted the horses, un-tacked them and put them back in their stalls. I sighed, looking at Hunter as she sat down. I joined her, sitting beside her. We both sighed again, waiting to "defrost" before heading back to the house.
"That was amazing." I said. Hunter nodded "It was."

About an hour later we headed back to the house, quickly getting inside once we were on the back porch. We took our boots off, ran upstairs and changed into different hoodies and pajama pants.

~later that night~

Sam, Jake, Colby, Hunter, Liam and I were all snuggled up on the couch under multiple big fluffy blankets, watching Christmas movies.

We all stayed up until 12 o'clock and when the clock changed we all looked at each other, smiling. "Merry Christmas." We all said to one another; hugging, kissing and kissing cheeks.

I looked up at Jake, kissing his cheek "Merry Christmas." He smiled back, looking above my head. Sam was holding a mistletoe. "Merry Christmas." Jake said softly before kissing me. Fireworks, sparks and my heart exploding. It was almost indescribable. I kissed back, soon smiling. Everyone looked at us and went "awww!" I blushed extremely, burying my face in his chest.
He chuckled, blushing a little as well. When I buried my face he hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

Hunter's POV
The clock hit 12 o'clock and we all wished each other a Merry Christmas. I kissed Colby, smiling "our first Christmas as a couple." He smiled back, nodding. We all got up to hug each other. I hugged Liam, kissing his cheek "Merry Christmas Liam." He smiled kissing my cheek back "Merry Christmas Hunter. I'm so glad we can be together for this." I nodded, "me too."
We noticed Sam stood on the couch, holding a mistletoe over Ellie's head. We all went silent, watching. After they kissed we all went "awww!"
After our Christmas wishing we headed up to the rooms, falling asleep soon after.

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