Graduation Day

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Y'all are probably wondering what happened when my parents found out Liam spent the night. Oh they flipped. Thankfully not when he was here, they were nice enough not to.
But yeah I got grounded for a week after that.
May 26-graduation day. I woke up and couldn't have been more excited for a day. I got up, brushed my hair and teeth and changed into a simple outfit. Liam had left at 7am this morning to get here early so we could hang out. It was only 8:30. I walked out to the stables, saying hello to all of the horses. I made sure everything was packed for Sadie and Imperial because tomorrow we were leaving for LA. I did however decide to unpack Imperial's gear and put it on him to ride a little bit. I put his bridle on and his saddle. I opened his stall door and walked him out to the arena. I got on and started him off slow.
We  "warmed up" for 15 minutes before starting our actual practice. I directed him to the outside of the ring kind of like we would be in an arena. I got myself ready before directing him to start galloping. He listened and we went.
Barrel one 60 feet from the start. We went around it. Barrel two from the first, 90 feet. Around that one. And barrel three from two, 105 feet. Around barrel three we went and down the line we went to pass the "score line." Imperial slowed down once we did and I patted him "good boy Imperial." I walked him around for a while before going again.
Barrel one, barrel two, barrel three.
I could see someone leaning against the fence out of my peripheral. Once we passed the score line and I praised Imperial, we walked over to the person. I looked at my watch. "10:00 already?" I smiled, seeing that it was Liam. He looked up at me "look at you cowgirl. Going around those barrels faster than I've ever seen." I laughed, getting off of Imperial "I'm the only one you've seen." He nodded "cause I haven't gone to a rodeo." I shook my head "almost a year in Kansas and you haven't been to one rodeo. Promise you'll come to one of mine while I'm in California." He nodded "I promise."
We hugged and Liam went to pet Imperial's nose. I secretly told Imperial to whiny and he did. Liam backed up and I laughed. Imperial stopped and I gave him a treat. Liam stared at me "you tell him to do that?" I shrugged "maybe." I said holding back a laugh. He rolled his eyes, a smile breaking through.
We walked back to the stables. "So, you're leaving tomorrow.. are you excited?" I looked down "Yeah, pretty excited." I looked at Liam "but nervous too. I mean it's LA. It's my dream. And I'll be taking the horses with me. I'm just leaving my friends and family behind you know?"
He nodded "I do."
I sighed, taking the bridle and saddle off of Imperial. I put him in his stall, refilling his food and water. Liam and I started walking back to the house. He wrapped his arm around me.
"Graduation is tonight too.. you have your dress?" He asked. I looked at him and nodded "Yeah, wanna see it?" He nodded. I smiled a little before stopping. He stopped too and looked at me "what?" I hugged him tightly, wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged back, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. We stood there for a good 5 minutes before I pulled away, looking at him "I'm gonna miss you." "I'm going to miss you too." I smiled a little while he put me down. We continued the walk before eventually reaching the door. We went in and upstairs. He sat on
my bed and I grabbed the dress from my closet. I went to the bathroom and got changed.

I opened the door and walked back into the bedroom

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I opened the door and walked back into the bedroom. Liam looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back "so?" I spun around. He laughed a little "beautiful. As always." I shook my head, my cheeks turning pink "yeah yeah." I went back and changed. I came out and sat on the bed. "We've got a long day ahead of us." I sighed, laying back. He looked at me "yup."
All Liam and I did all day was cuddle and watch Netflix. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better last day with him. I know I keep saying that but it's true.
5:00pm rolled around and I had to be at the school by 6. I hopped in the shower, got out, did my makeup, changed into my dress and did my hair. By the time I was finished it was 5:40. I grabbed a pair of black flats and put them on. I walked downstairs where everyone was waiting for me. I smiled, seeing my family and Liam.
We all headed to the school, Liam driving me in his car. I said goodbye to my family and Liam and headed to the classroom where we all had to meet and get ready. I met up with my girls, took photos and hung out till we had to go.
~1 1/2 hours later~
We were lined up to walk across the stage.
"Hunter Grace Miller." I was walked up the steps and across the stage. I could hear my family and Liam cheering from the audience and my friends cheering on the other side of the stage and behind me.
~30 minutes later~
"Congrats to the graduating class of 2017!" We all threw our caps and eventually met up with our families. I hugged everyone and Liam hugged me, handing me a small bouquet of roses. I laughed, kissing his cheek "thank you!"
We all took photos and my girls and I took photos as well.
After about 45 minutes of pictures and talking we all headed home.
Goodbye Stanley Kansas. Here's to my next adventure in LA.

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