Truth or Dare?

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Hunter's POV
School started back up shortly after New Years, so Ellie and I were up to our necks in homework. Even over the weekend. We were chilling on our beds, working on who knows what when there was a knock at the door.
"The pizza's here!" I said getting up and opening the door. I put my hand out with the money before realizing that the dude holding the pizza was Corey. And the rest of the group was here. "We payed the pizza guy already but thank you." He took the two tens and handed me the pizza. I took it, Ellie came up behind me and took the money from Corey handing me my 10 back. "What're you guys doing here anyways?" Corey pushed passed us and everyone walked in. "Well, it's the weekend and you guys are stuck inside doing homework. So we thought we'd come give you a break for a little bit."
"We really can't.." I said. Ellie closed the door "a little break won't hurt Hunter. Besides, it's Friday. We have no work due until Sunday night. I sighed "alright.." We all sat on the floor, talking about everything and anything. "Wanna play a game?" Elton asked. "What kinda game?" Kat asked. He shrugged "truth or dare?"
We all sat in silence for a moment before saying okay. "Alright Elton, you ask first since you brought up the idea."
"Alright alright.. Jake, truth or dare." "Dare." "Say the word.. banana! after everything you say until your next turn." Jake laughed "Easy. Banana."
"Um. Banana. Colby. Banana. Truth or Dare? Banana." Everyone laughed at Jake. "Truth."

"What is the most embarrassing thing your parents caught you doing?" "You didn't say banana! Take a shot!" Elton said. Jake rolled his eyes, taking a shot of tequila. Colby's face turned immediately red and I looked up at him, trying not to laugh. "Jokes on you, the most embarrassing thing they caught me doing was dancing." They all scoffed not believing him. "In my underwear." We all laughed. "Alright alright, Hunter. Truth or dare?" "Dare." "Take a body shot off of someone in this room."

I sighed, "Alright Colbs" Everyone cheers. "Why me?" "Cause you're my boyfriend, now stand up." He stood up and I poured some tequila into a shot glass and handed it to him. "Put this in your waistband" He takes the shot and does so. I took the shot glass out of Colby's waistband with my mouth and drank the shot. Everyone cheered again. Corey broke out the beer cans and we all started drinking them.

We sat down "Colby." I said. "Hm?" He said unafraid. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." I smirked "go outside and flirt with the first guy you see." I laughed as Colby got up. "Go to the tree by the window so we can watch." He walked outside and we all ran to the window, watching him. He started flirting with a guy and the guy started flirting back. We all covered our mouths as Colby had to convince the guy it was a dare. He quickly came back up to the room and shut the door behind him. "How banana awkward banana was banana that banana!" Jake said and we all laughed at him.

"Haha very funny. Elton, truth or dare?" Colby asked. "Truth." "Hunter or Ellie?" Elton quickly responded "dare." "Noooo" everyone said. "You picked truth." Colby said smirking. "Um. Okay no offense Ellie, but Hunter." Ellie laughed softly and my face turned red.

"Alright um, Ellie. Truth or dare?" Elton asked. "Dare." "Kiss Colby on the lips." The room got silent fast "I'm not doing that." They both said, looking at me. I bit my lip, shrugging "it's not cheating cause it's a dare.." I said softly. They both asked me and hesitated for about five minutes. Ellie and Colby then moved in before their lips met in front of me. Everyone watched my reaction. "I wasn't finished." Elton smirked. "For 30 seconds." They both groaned, continuing. My face was getting red, it was the longest 30 seconds of my life. Elton's timer finally went off and they stopped, sitting back down. Colby put his arm around me and I sat there even though I wanted to push him away.

We played for a while more before it was back to Elton. "Elton be careful this time." Kat said. He chuckled, "Hunter. Truth or dare?" "Dare." I said, still very pissed off. The alcohol was not making it easy tonight. "Kiss Jake." Ellie looked at me "they wouldn't." I rolled my eyes, grabbing Jake's shirt as he was sitting next to me. I kissed him, hearing everyone, but especially Ellie gasp. It made me smirk, before letting his shirt go after Elton's timer went off.
I sat down, seeing Ellie getting up out of the corner of my eye. I looked at Colby, still pissed off at him for not stopping his kiss sooner.


I felt the back of my head hit the floor and I looked up to see Ellie on top of me, screaming. "Why the f**k would you do that?!" "You're one to talk! You crazy! You kissed Colby first! You could've stopped it sooner but you guys didn't!"

I fought her hands as she attempted to slap me. I rolled us over, sitting on top of her. I felt a sting go across my face, the skin turning red and now burning. Ellie slapped me and hard enough that you could see the outline of her hand. I went to hit her before Colby and Sam grabbed me off of her. "Hunter! Stop!" They screamed at me. "Let me go!" I fought them, watching Ellie get up. We both had tears forming in our eyes. "Why would you do that to me?! You know Colby is the first guy–! " I screamed at her. She interrupted "You kissed Jake!" She screamed back. "You kissed Colby first!" "It was a dare! I didn't do it to get back at you! You kissed Jake out of revenge!" I watched her run out of the room, Jake standing up. "Hunter, you made a big mistake." He ran out after Ellie.

Colby and Sam let me go.
I looked at Elton, tackling him to the floor. I slapped his face a few times and punched him in the mouth before Sam and Colby could grab me again. They even needed the help of Corey and Aaron. "For f**k sake let me go!" Elton stood up, blood coming out of his busted lip. "You are no longer my friend! You ruined my friendship with two great people! And almost jeopardized my relationship with Colby! What the f**k is wrong with you?!" Elton stood there silently before coming up with something. "You didn't have to take the dares." I tried to attack him again but the boys held me back.

"Everyone get out." They all quickly grabbed their things, the boys letting go of me. Colby still stood there. "Hunter.." "Just go." Tears fell down my face. "I'll see you next weekend at our photoshoot." He went to kiss my cheek and I moved. "Please..go." Colby grabbed his stuff "I love you." He said before walking out. I fell to the ground from my knees giving out. All I could think about was that I just lost my best friend. Colby came back in. "I forgot.." he stopped, looking at me. I cried, not moving from where I was. He picked me up, sitting on the bed. I buried my face into his chest.
"Did I lose Ellie?"
He held me closely, his heartbeat soothing me. "I don't think so. Just take some time. Give her some."

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