Meet the Brocks.. Again

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There was a knock on my bedroom door. Ellie woke up and rolled over to see if I was awake. I wasn't. Ellie shook my shoulder "Hunter." She said softly from being tired. "Hm?" I asked half asleep. "Someone's at the door." I groaned "I'm sleeping though." There was another knock at the door.
I groaned, "Go awayyyyy." The person knocked again. "Whaaaaat." I threw the pillow at the door and it opened. "Hunter?" Colby said. I looked up at him, my face lighting up "Hey." He smiled softly "I have a surprise for you in an hour and it'll only take like 20 minutes to get there so I thought I'd let you know so you can get ready."
I nodded a little "Thanks.. uh, any suggestions on what I should wear?" He shrugged "You can wear a hoodie, jeans and boots." I nodded "Okay, thanks baby." He smiled before closing the door. I stretched and yawned, looking over at Ellie. "Morning." "And I thought you were a morning person." I scoffed "only when I really need to be."
I got out of bed and grabbed the clothes I was going to put on. I headed to the bathroom, washing my face, brushing my teeth and throwing my hair into a bun. I got changed into the clothes before walking out to Ellie setting clothes down on the bed. "Uhhh.. whatcha doin Ellie?" She smiled, then looked up at me. Her smile faded quickly "no, you can't wear that. No way."

I scoffed "why not? It's cold and I'm comfortable

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I scoffed "why not? It's cold and I'm comfortable." She shook her head "believe me, where you're going you can't wear that." "And you know where I'm going? Obviously you just told me. But Ellie, where in the world am I going at 9 in the morning in this?" "Just be quiet and put this on please." "Does Colby know you're telling me to change?" "No, but it'll be a nice surprise. Believe me, you'll understand when you get there. Now, go make yourself comfy on the toilet seat cause I'm curling your hair."

I laughed "hold up sweetie. Ain't no way are you getting me all dressed up and dolled up and whatever. It's only 9 in the morning Ellie." "Hunter, you need to look pretty for where you're going." "Am I going on a date?" "No." "Am I graduating college?" "No." "Am I barrel racing?" "No.." "Am I singing The National Anthem?" "Gosh I hope not." My mouth fell open "shut up." We laughed softly.
"I will get dressed up for you and do VERY light makeup but you are not doing my hair." "Alright fine."

I pushed her out of the bathroom and closed the door. I changed into the outfit she had set out for me. I put on a little bit of mascara.
I came back out and slipped the little boots on.
Ellie was smiling from ear to ear "awww, look at how pretty you are." I rolled my eyes "shut up."

By the time I was finished getting ready and arguing with Ellie it was time to go

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By the time I was finished getting ready and arguing with Ellie it was time to go. Colby knocked on the door and I looked over at Ellie, a smile forming on both of our faces. I walked over and opened the door. Colby was wearing this.

"You look amazing babe" He said to me

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"You look amazing babe" He said to me. I blushed lightly "and you look so handsome" "I wasn't wearing this before but uh, Ellie told me to change into this." "You're welcome. Now go have fun you love birds!" We laughed and Colby and I intertwined fingers. We said bye to anyone we passed before heading out to the truck. "So, since we drove the truck up here and you can't know where we're going, I need the keys."
I handed them to him and we got into the truck. "You do realize I know this place like the back of my hand. So I'll know where we're possibly going." He shrugged "that's alright." He started the truck and we headed towards our destination. "Seriously though.." he grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it "you look beautiful, as always." I smiled "thanks.. Ellie was pretty stubborn when it came to my outfit." Colby chuckled, nodding "Yeah same here."
~15 minutes later we pulled into a plaza and he parked in front of a First Watch Diner. We got out, intertwining our fingers again once we met up. "Why are we at First Watch?" He smiled a little before leading me inside. "Good morning. Where would you like to sit?" The greeter said. Colby looked around and then made eye contact with two older people. They waved us over. "There." The greeter grabbed our menus and we followed him to the table. The two older couple stood up, hugging Colby. I heard the comments of "it's been so long. Look how you've changed. Your hair is dyed. You have piercings. We missed you and we love you. It's good to see you again." I stood there awkwardly, watching. I still hadn't put two and two together.

"Mom, Dad.." Colby grabbed my hand and my mouth fell open a little. "This is Hunter.." I closed my mouth, smiling softly "hello.." They both hugged me and we sat down.

We ordered our food and started talking. "We have so many questions Hunter! It's been so long since we've seen you as well." His dad said. "Since about Sophomore year in high school. How is everything?" His mom asked. "It's good to see you again Mrs. Brock. And things are going well. Um Colbs.. I'm just wondering why you didn't tell me we were meeting with your parents and why you introduced me. It's not like I haven't met them before." I laughed softly.

Colby looked at me then looked down. "Colby?" His mom asked. He bit his lip before a smile formed and he looked up at them. He cleared his throat "You both knew Hunter, my best friend." He grabbed my hand and held it. "But this is Hunter.. my girlfriend."
They both smiled congratulating us on the relationship.

"So are you in college?" I nodded "Yes ma'am. I'm studying to become a professional photographer."
"Still riding horses?" His dad asked. I smiled "It's the love of my life. Well other than this one of course." Colby and I smiled, looking at each other. I looked back at Mr. Brock "horses have always been my passion. I took my two horses to California with me and I'm doing barrel racing over there."
"The pros better watch out cause she's the best in the business." Colby said. "Well, maybe one of the best." I said, laughing softly.
"We hadn't heard from Colby for about 2 weeks until recently when he called and told us he was back home in Stanley. How did you two run into each other?"
We both laughed softly at the memory. "It started with my roommate. She's really great friends with Colby and his group of friends. She asked me if I wanted to go to dinner with her and meet all of them, so being new to the area I said of course.
We go to dinner and when we get there, there's an empty seat. I saw Sam Golbach sitting there which was a surprise, but for some reason it didn't cross my mind that there was a possibility Colby could be there.

So a few minutes goes by and Colby sits across from me and our eyes meet."

"And that's where she instantly fell for me." Colby smirked, joking. My mouth fell open and I scoffed "Yeah you wish." He chuckled.

We talked for about 2 more hours before we went our separate ways.
His mom hugged me, saying "take good care of him for me. He's a keeper." We pulled away and I smiled "I will."
His dad hugged me "welcome to the family." I laughed softly, "thank you."
Colby and I headed back to my house and his parents to theirs.
We got into the truck and I covered my face with my hands. "What's wrong?" Colby asked. I slapped his arm and he winced in pain, holding it. "Ow! What!?" "I can't believe you were going to have me where a hoodie, jeans and boots to re-meet your parents over brunch!"
He shrugged "sorry didn't think we'd have to dress up nice." He started the truck, turning the heat on high. "Did you like your surprise though?" I looked at him and nodded "Yeah.. I really enjoyed it." He smiled and I smiled back before he leaned over and kissed me "you're all mine." We smiled and headed back to the house.

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