Ride to Topeka and Plan

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Imperial was in the trailer and everybody was ready for the trip to the rodeo.
Jake, Ellie, Sam, Colby and I got into my truck while my family and Liam got into theirs.
The hour to Topeka was fun but anxiety filled.
I was leading everyone with my truck and about 20 minutes in I pulled over. My family followed. "You okay?" Ellie asked. I nodded. My dad called me on my cell "Hunter, what's wrong?" I had to pull over. I'm too nervous and excited to drive the rest of the way."
"Do you want your mother or Liam to come drive?" I shook my head "no, Colby can." I got out and Colby looked at me. "What?" He opened his door, getting out. "Colbs please." "Hunter.." my dad said over the phone. "Daddy he'll be fine he did it on the way up. I love you, we'll be careful."
I hung up, climbing into the passenger seat and Colby into the driver's. "You did it on the way up here." "Yeah but I wasn't pulling into a rodeo ground at the end I was pulling into a driveway."
"Yes I get it. You could've gone into the other truck or one of them could've. But I want you all in here with me." Colby nodded, grabbing my hand and holding it. He smiled softly and I sighed, sitting back. He put the truck into gear and we all carefully got back onto the highway.

The group kept me distracted by playing games like 20 questions, the license plate game and how many cars of a certain color we could count.
After the hour we pulled up to the rodeo grounds. I directed Colby and where to pull in and he parked the truck. I looked at him "good job. Thank you so much. I'm glad I was able to relax a little." He smiled, leaning over and kissing me. I kissed back and everyone in the back seat pretended to gag and be disgusted. Colby and I laughed, then we all got out. My dad and mom came up to me, hugging me. "Guys, we're fine. Colby did a great job."

They thanked Colby as I walked to the back of the trailer to bring Imperial out. Liam went to sign me in and grab my number. He came back shortly after and handed me the number. "Alright it is about 9:10am and you're able to do some practicing at 10:00." I nodded "thanks."

"So what time is this thing anyways?" Jake asked. "It doesn't start till 2:00. But we had to get here early so I could practice and figure everything out."
"I have to use the bathroom." Sam said. Everyone else agreed. The guys headed towards the men's room and Ellie and I went to the women's. "So, you ready for the race?" Ellie asked me. I splashed some water on my face, sighing "kind of. I think I'm more anxious about Colby's surprises than the race. Can you tell me anything about them?" "He didn't give me the details. He just said that he has two surprises for you." I sighed "great."

Colby's POV
Liam and I made sure the girls were in the bathroom before heading over the arena. We talked to the rodeo announcer about the surprise. "Hi, my name's Liam Bennett. I'm with Hunter Miller #245. This is Colby her best friend." Colby shook the announcer's hand "what can I do for you two?" "Well, I was wondering if after the rodeo if you could call her back into the arena. Once she's out there if you could play her favorite song "Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts." "So what's your plan son?" The announcer asked. "So, when she's back in the arena and the song is playing I'm either going to walk out or ride out. Th–" Liam interrupted "you should be wearing a cowboy hat and change clothes so she doesn't recognize you. Oh but she could also think 'wait what's Colby doing in the arena?' Which is good too."

"I think I'll just stick with my own clothes thanks Liam. Anyways.. Then when I get to her, I'll ask her to get off her horse and–"
"Show him what you have." Liam said. I pulled out a little black box with three rings in it. "I'll get down on one knee and ask her to be my girlfriend."
"Alright." The announcer agreed. "I don't know you two personally but you treat her like a queen and never let her go. You understand me?" I nodded "yes sir."
We walked away, meeting back up with everyone. Thankfully Ellie was able to keep Hunter busy long enough that she didn't even notice we were gone so long.

Hunter's POV
I went into the family trailer, changing into my rodeo outfit.

I came out, putting my hat back on

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I came out, putting my hat back on. "Look at my best friend's cowgirl." I looked up seeing Brandon. "Hey!" I hugged him "what are you doing here?!" He laughed, hugging back. "Didn't think this southern boy was going to miss a rodeo did you?" I laughed a little "I guess not."
I introduced Brandon to my family and friends. "The whole group isn't here but here's some of them." "We're the best ones anyways." Jake joked. I smiled. "Alright Hunter, it's 10 minutes till 10. Go tack up Imperial and head on over to the arena. We'll be there watching." Caleb said.
I nodded, going and tacking up Imperial. I got on, walking him over to the arena "alright champ. This is just practice but that doesn't mean don't give me your best. You know the drill."
We did a pretty well practice run. Would get me second place by just a few seconds. Once I was out of the arena I took my hat off and walked Imperial back over to the trailer.

Everyone else caught up, complimenting me and saying how amazing it was. I sighed, climbing off "it was amazing for second place. I was off by a few seconds. I should've pushed him harder around that first barrel."
"Hey, you can get a few more practices in the outside arena before your run. Second place ain't all that bad." Caleb said.
I rolled my eyes, tying Imperial up and walking into the family trailer.

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