Sunset Riding

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On our way to the beach we listened to music and just talked about life. It was an hour drive but we didn't have much to talk about. I decided to tell him about Liam. "Oh just letting you know if this guy ever texts, calls or tags me in something he's just my best friend. I met him during my Senior Retreat back in Kansas." Colby nodded "alright, what's his name?" I smiled a little "Liam. He's from Florida." Colby chuckled, "and he's in Kansas because?" "Well for college but his cousins live there so it worked out." He nodded again "well thanks for saying something." I nodded "sure."

~45 minutes later~

We arrived at the beach and Colby parked the car. We got out, looking at the beach "I asked my friend Chloe at the stables to bring Imperial and Sadie." I took my tank top off "I have to go to the bathroom to get changed. How about I meet you at the shoreline?" I nodded "Sounds good." I threw my stuff into the car and headed down to the beach. Colby stood there watching me for a minute before heading to the bathroom. A few minutes later Colby was walking down the beach.
"That's Colby?" Chloe asked. I turned around, looking at him. "Yup. That's my city boy." He reached us and I introduced them "Colby this is Chloe. She works at the stables." He smiled "nice to meet you." She smiled back, her cheeks a little pink. "You too. Uh Hunter, when would you like me to come back and pick them up?"
I thought for a moment "How about 8?" She nodded "sounds good. Well I better head out. Bye Hunter, and it was nice to meet you." She headed back to the truck.
I looked at Colby "ready?" He nodded "I guess." I put my foot in Imperial's stirrup, swinging myself over. Colby looked at me and copied getting onto Sadie. "So why am I riding the girl horse? And the short one?" I laughed "cause Imperial doesn't like strangers." He watched me "I bet he'll love me." He climbed off "Colby.." "come on Hunter." I sighed, climbing off. "Just.. be careful please? He can be crazy sometimes and I don't want you getting hurt." "It'll be okay. I know how to hold on."
Colby put a foot in the stirrup and Imperial wasn't too happy about it. I grabbed his reins, trying to calm him down. Colby swung his leg over and Imperial bounced a little bit as if he was going to buck. "Imperial please don't. Colby!" Colby laughed, petting Imperial "Hunter relax. There's a first for everyone." Imperial reared and I backed up, watching. Colby held on until he came back down. Imperial calmed down and my mouth fell open "what did? How did?" He laughed "Alright I got on the horse. Now what?" I stood there staring at him for a moment. "Alright.." I climbed onto Sadie "just be careful, he's a racer and my champion." Colby nodded. "To get him to move forward in a walk you just click your tongue. To stop you say woah, squeeze your heels into his sides and pull on the reins a little."
He clicked his tongue and Imperial started walking forward. I joined along with Sadie. "So how long have you been barrel racing?" "Since I was 12. Now riding, my mom says I knew how to ride before I could walk." I laughed. "Probably since I was like 3. I'd sit in front of my dad on his saddle and we'd walk around the arena." We walked the horses into the water.
Colby smiled, listening "how's that YouTube career going?" I asked. He nodded "pretty well. Sam and I have awesome supporters." "What do you do on there? Like what do you post?" "We post pranks but mainly exploring videos." "Oh yeah the exploring! I'd like to go exploring with y'all sometime." "How about next weekend? We're planning on visiting this abandoned hospital." I stopped Sadie "seriously?" He stopped, "Yeah.. why? Are you scared?" I laughed "no, I told you. I love exploring." He smirked "Great. We'll be leaving at 9 pm." "Lovely."
We started walking again and the sun started to set. Before the sun completely set we got off the horses, tying them to a wooden pole. We sat in the sand, watching the rest of it.
"Wow." The Sky was painted with pinks and oranges. "And I thought Kansas's sunsets over open fields were pretty." Colby smiled, looking at me. I looked at him and he looked back at the ocean. I moved closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad we're friends again." I spoke softly. I could feel him smiling. "Me too." He put his arm around me as we watched the sun go below the horizon.
After it set we stood up to get on the horses.
"Why not go for a swim?" I laughed "I'm good." I put my foot in the stirrup and Colby quickly grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder. "Colby!" I squealed and he headed to the water. "No!" He laughed and tossed me into the water. I stood up, "Brock!" He was laughing. I pushed him and he fell backwards into the water. I laughed and he came up, splashing water at me. I squealed and splashed back.

A few minutes later we walked back onto the shore and climbed back on the horses, heading back to the car. Chloe was there waiting for us in her truck. We got off and I helped her load them into the trailer. "How in the world did you get Colby on Imperial?" I laughed, shrugging "I have no idea but he didn't buck. He reared but Colby managed to hold on." "It's cause I'm likeable." Chloe and I laughed.
I gave her a hug "thank you so much for doing this." She hugged back "it was no problem. I hope you guys had fun." I nodded and grabbed Colby's hand "we did." She got back in her truck and headed back to the stables. Colby and I dried ourselves off before getting into his car.
We headed back to my dorm. "I wasn't expecting to ride a horse today but it was fun" Colby said. I laughed "better get used to it cause you're friends with me and that's what I'm best at." He smiled and I held his hand again. He lifted it, kissing it gently as we got onto the highway. "Colby Brock you are something else." He smirked. "Hunter Miller you are adorable." He booped my nose then grabbed my hand again.
~ 1 hour later ~
We got to the college and he parked. "I can walk you if you'd like." I nodded and we both got out. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and we headed into the dorm hall. We went up to the first floor and we stopped in front of my door "I had a great time." My cheeks turned pink and we both couldn't stop smiling "I did too." He kissed my cheek and I couldn't deny that I wanted more.
I opened my door "I'll text you.." he nodded and I closed it. Ellie was sitting on her bed, finishing up her homework "how did it go?" She looked up at me and saw that I was blushing "I take it as great!" I laughed "shh." I put my stuff down, sitting on my bed "it wasn't even a date but it was amazing." Ellie squealed and I laughed.

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