2. Kris Kringle

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"Alright." She said casually as she drifted toward the closed toilet and sat down on it, hands in her lap, acting like dad when he was about to give us a serious talk. I and Kelsey lived alone together. We both had different jobs and very different lives but, we figured it was easier to live with someone you've been living with for your whole life instead of trying to force yourself to live a roommate you found on Gumtree (Gumtree is like the more family friendly Australian version of Craigslist). Plus our current occupations were in the same area. Why pass off a perfect opportunity? Especially when we came across this bee-utiful, old, majestic relic of a house built in the late '70s. If you think asbestos, small rooms, a half faulty kitchen, and cringe-worthy vintage wallpaper is charming, then this house is definitely for you. We've been living here for just over three years now. We moved in pretty much as soon as I finished Uni (University or College for my American pals) and Kelsey was looking for a new place since she just moved out of her boyfriend's place after a rather tough breakup. I thought it might be good to spend some time with my big sister, and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid in a drunken fit (Kelsey was 2 and 1/2 years older than me, it's not that much of a difference, but enough to make her feel like she's fully in charge of my every action). Little did I know that she would get back on the horse pretty much as soon as she fell off. The horse of course being Lance (like her sir lance a lot, knight in shining armor! I would always call him. Lance would laugh, but Kel would just glare at me), nothing like her a-hole ex Tim.

Although things seemed to be moving pretty quickly, Kelsey for some unknown reason wanted to stay here, living in this shit show of a house (I don't really hate the house that much, Its just hard to not compare it to Lance's newly updated flat. It wasn't two stories (obviously), but it had way more room than our house would ever have). I was kind of happy that Kel decided to stay, as much of an annoying little sh*t she can be sometimes, I'm happy that at least one person in my life isn't constantly in a rush to get away from me. 'Where's the man/woman in your life Mandy?' I can hear you asking, first off progressive inclusion of both sexes there, good job reader, well done. Second, yes, my name is in fact Mandy, my sister just loves to complicate things by confusing people into thinking my name is Macy, and third, I haven't had anything close to a boyfriend since 4th year of Uni. His name was Mark, and it lasted for 2 weeks, so yeah, not exactly a significant emotional attachment there. I've been told at multiple different points in my life, in lots of different ways that I 'just wouldn't be good girlfriend material'. And honestly, I don't even blame them for the comments anymore. Because I wouldn't be good girlfriend material, I can barely keep my own emotions stable, let alone try to incorporate another person into the mix. I'd rather just sit at my window and dream about what the boys would look like.. UH UH UH. No, remember, we said no sharing secrets yet? You'll find out soon enough, just hold your horses.

"Alright.." (that was a very long interlude, you might wanna scroll back up to remember where we were. Sorry, I ramble a lot) I answered back, a little calmer now that my face had had time to revert back to its normal color. I could tell she had big news, I wasn't sure whether it was good or bad yet.

"First off, happy birthday!" The now happy Kelsey said as she held out the white envelope to me, and I could now tell the messy name on the front was 'Mace'.

"Oh my god, Kel you didn't have to get me anything. Plus my birthdays not for another like, 1 and a half weeks, why so early?" I asked as I politely took the envelope from my sister's hand. The best thing about Kelsey was also the worst. She was unreasonably and inconsolably generous. Which always made Christmases and birthdays hard, because no matter how much thought you put into your gift, she would surely beat you.

"Well..." she said in a childish voice, "I love my sister and you know I can't keep secrets, not even birthdays secrets." That was an understatement. "And you're going to want to open up that before I tell you the next part. I want you to happy with me before I possibly tick you off." I was intrigued. Kelsey was never this secretive.

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