night owl: part 1

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I know I'm dreaming. I know that nothing can hurt me and every weird or wacky thing that happens in here are just distorted images from my memory file. So.. then shouldn't this be a lucid dream? I thought that was how it worked, I realised I was dreaming, I control what happens. But I can't even turn my neck to look around, so I guess I'm meant to just sit and wait it out.

It feels dark and cold. I'm in an ocean, at night, I can barely even see my hands the water. It's so silent, apart from my escalating gasps for air, as it's getting harder and harder to stay above the water. Even before my head goes under, I can feel a cold fire burn in my lungs, and I know I've swallowed water. My hands, arms and legs start flailing in every direction, trying to resurface or breathe again. I couldn't tell where the surface was at this point, I opened my eyes, still kicking and lungs still burning, but I saw no ocean. Instead, I was surrounded by the endless vastness of space.

 I couldn't see Earth, or the moon, or the sun, or any of the other planets, or any planet for that matter. Just darkness all around me. My lungs stopped burning, but my eyes started weeping, and I had no control in the matter when a waterfall of tears rushed down my face. I could hear a buzzing sound, it was hard to notice at first, over my crying. But it got louder, and the pitch was getting higher. After about 5 minutes in dream time, it became too loud for even my crying to cover. I started to scream at it, but of course, no sound came out. The noise was actually starting to hurt now. I wanted to cover my ears but I couldn't because I was still not in control. Just when the noise was getting unbearable, space collapsed from underneath me, and I plummeted into a giant white pool.

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