6. Reviewing The Situation

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I led the man up to my sister room, thank god she cleaned it before she left. At least this room doesn't have countless amounts of posters with his face on it. And I thanked God that my blinds were closed when he was in my room before, so you couldn't really make out the individual faces on my wall. I go over to Lances draw in my sister's wardrobe and pull out a pair of sweats and a tee, that looks roughly his size, I leave him in her room to change while I do the same I'm my room. And I started to think about just how outdated this house was. Not only that the physical house was built in the '70s, but because we didn't have a TV set, or any major electronic devices apart from our phones and laptops. The house was fully furnished with relics from the '70s/'80s when we got it and were in no position to pass up free furniture. So this house really could have been pulled straight out of the '70s. Apart from my room of course, which was screaming early 1990's angst and 1980's music. Once I was dressed, I decided to play it safe, and take down any and all posters I had of Queen on my wall. No way was I going to chuck them, but just in case he did end up traveling into my room at any point, he wouldn't assume I was a crazy stalker who wanted to keep him captive here. Once I was done, I hid away my charger chords and any other modern electronic devices before I walked down the hall to my sister's room, and knocked on it.

"Come in." I heard come from the other side, that voice, when not attached to the body, I could swear it sounded like it was coming from an interview I was playing on my laptop. And I loved it. I walked in the room and saw that CJ had already spotted the cat lover, and had come to claim his share of love.

"Oh, little baby." I heard him mutter to the cat. "Your stomach is so soft." He continues. I sit down on the bed next to him and am a little bit taken aback as to how good he looks in this modern, casual attire, although the shirt and the pants are too big for him, you can tell that the photos did not do him justice. It was one thing, to perve on a hot dead man through countless Instagram fan pages. But seeing him in real life was slightly terrifying. For someone who doesn't yet believe that this is Freddie Mercury, I'm certainly comparing and treating him like Freddie Mercury a lot.

"CJ." I tell him as he continues to pat the fat feline. She loves attention, and CJ was certainly getting it.

"Oh, she's such a cutie." He says, not looking up from the cat. "You know I have 3 cats at home. I love them to pieces." It stabbed me in the heart a little bit when he said that. If this was the Freddie Mercury, then all of his cats would be dead by now. All his loved ones, dead, apart from Kash, Mary, and of course Brain, Roger and John. I watch him stroke the cat for a while, in silence, listening to the tiny pitter-patter of rain starting up again outside. I turn my body to face him, and he looks straight at me but doesn't move since CJ was cozied nicely in his lap.

"Right," I start off.

"Right," he answers, attempting to do a very bad Australian accent. I giggle a tiny bit and it makes him smile. How is this man so calm after what, I'm assuming happened to him, from the looks of it, he doesn't even know what times he's in. Yet he just acts like he's hanging out at an old friends place, and is completely content sleeping in a strangers house for the night. I'm not sure why I'm so content letting a stranger sleep in my house, he could just be one of the makeup and prosthetic artists, so he made himself look like Freddie Mercury. He's a pretty damn talented one at that because he got it spot on.

And the voice, that so distinguishable voice. I've never heard anyone get it that perfect before, it's not an easy voice to do, there are so many layers to it. Yet he does it so perfectly, I could swear the voice was coming straight from my computer. Maybe he drugged me, and that's why I'm so chill toward this situation. I mean, I don't even know why he's in my house in the first place. Let alone how he got into my house. Kelsey sometimes climbs over our back fence, and scales up to my mini balcony and squeezes through my window that's permanently open, since it got jammed after about 2 weeks of us living here. I'm always burning citronella candles in my room, I'm a mosquito magnet. But Kelsey couldn't figure out how to do that for ages, someone would have actually had to see her do it, and that means someone would have had to be in our backyard.

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