64. lead up

250 7 4

*warning, sex scene in this chapter ;-)*

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Freddie asks me, and I walk over and sit on the bed. Freddie joins me and I stare into his eyes so deeply.

"Yes. Absolutely." I lean over and slowly kiss him. Enjoying every last bit of it. He pulls away and looks at me again.

"But we've already watched two."

"Yes! But 'Dirty Dancing' is such a classic! Plus how could you complain with 'Finding Nemo' and 'Waynes World'? It had Borhap in it!" Freddie scoffs and looks back to me.

"I'm not entity self-obsessed you know."

I look back over to Fred after I've clicked unpause, we were already halfway through the movie, and Freddie was trying to convince me that we needed to go to bed, but I persisted. I know what I'm doing is bad, I've seen this movie before. I know what it's going to do to me. But I honestly don't care this point. I love it so much, and I really feel like Freddie would benefit from this. Or maybe more I would just benefit from watching Freddie watch this.

The movies starts playing again and I get a little excited, knowing that I'm sharing such an important part of film history with Freddie. He's probably going to go see this movie when it comes out. Wow, that's weird to think about. Wait.. god he's going to be the first person in the world to see 'Dirty Dancing'. Wow. Well, as long as he didn't decide to pursue a career in film production and give up on the whole rock and roll thing, I'm sure it wouldn't matter that much. My eyes start to drift and I look out the window, it's pitch black outside, not that I was surprised or anything, we did wake up quite late, and we started watching movies at like 7 pm. So it should be close to 11 by now.

Baby comes on screen, and my eyes follow her incessantly, watching how gorgeous and perfect her hair is... how it curls up just like that and stays that way. I had always envied Frances. She got Johnny. She had the perfect ending, the perfect scenes, the perfect moments. Her whole life was perfect. Every bit of it. I would never ever have that. I know it, I know it so well.

"Soooo, how was your walk this morning?" The question catches me way off guard. I turn to Freddie and sense something off of him. I'm not sure what, but it's really captivating. I sigh and try to play off my answer.

"Fine, fine. I talked to Kelsey. Called her, at least."

"Ah! My favourite sister-out-law." Oh god, that really deserved a slap. Like a really hard one. "Did she ask about me?"

"Oh yeah." I say, overconfidently before I even had the chance to look over my answer. sh*t.

"What did she say?" The question pings in my ears and rings in my brain. Oh dammit.

"Oh! Y'know, just how you've been doing and stuff like that." Freddie hmm's at me, and I take this time to very strategically cough and break the tension.

"Nothing saucy? Nothing relating to condoms?" I almost want to spit up.

"NOPE. NOTHING I CAN RECALL." Freddie bursts into laughter, trying not to look at me as to avoid my possibly angry face before he turns to me and kisses my forehead.

"You're so cute when you lie."

"Ugh, cliche line much?" Freddie sits back against the bed and smiles. I smile and go back to watching the movie. For as long as I'm able to... before my eyes start drifting.

I look down and see Freddie's hand, just laying on the bed next to me. I suddenly get a deep deep swirling feeling in my stomach. I grip my hands and turn away... But I keep looking at Freddie. I look at his arms... his long, beautiful and tender arms, that could pick me up like I weighed nothing. His jawline, his eyes, his mouth, his nose. His smile was the sexiest I had ever seen. I slowly move my hand over to Freddies and twine our fingers together. It makes him smile, and my stomach begins to roar.

Where I Was Before YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang