24. My New Gay Best Friend

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"Who in the world are you?" I hear the smart comment and cringe. I knew exactly who just said that. Of course, I forget that he has a shift today. I'm happy about it obviously, but I almost don't want to look at him at the same time.

"I'm not really sure, to be honest." I chuckle. Still refusing to meet his eyes. I try to turn away, but a hand grips my shoulder and spins me around. Kaleb is staring dead into my eyes. Then he looks me up and down, and back to my face, I wasn't sure what he was looking at, I still had basically no idea what I looked like.

"Who is it? Did you get a new gay best friend? Because I will feel very cheated on." He asks, now crossing his arms.

"Pffft, what are you talking about? Of course not!" I reply, trying to at least produce a mildly convincing fake laugh.

"Well this obviously wasn't Kelsey, she has more class than to put you in booty shorts like that." I sigh.

"You really noticed them that fast?" I ask, hesitant.

"Oh sweetie, you can notice them from a mile away." He chuckles. I always envied Kaleb's confidence. The way he can just effortlessly spring up or into a conversation. Like he was always there, to begin with. God, I envied that. I envied a lot of things about him actually. I envied his gorgeous light blonde curly hair. Compared to my overly long dark brown wavy hair, that made me look like even more of a vampire than I already am. I envied his freckles, his blue eyes, while mine sat at a stale sea green.

"Ugh, I told him not to-" I tried to shut myself up, but I had already said too much.

"Gasp! I can't believe it! You do have another gay friend!" Kaleb whined. Acting like he'd been shot in the chest.

"No! I don't I swear!" I chuckle. Kaleb little theatrical tantrums always cracked me up.

"Then who the hell dressed you like that?" He demanded while I went over to my perch at the front counter, and Kaleb follows, leaning on the desk with his elbows.

"He's my friend from out of town!" I offer, hoping that would be enough to subdue his curiosity.

"Mandy, only a boyfriend or a gay friend would dress a girl like that. Especially a girl who doesn't own anything that isn't either black, grey or navy blue."

"Hey! I own a pair of light wash jeans!" He giggles and looks me up and down again.

"So, who is he?"

"Who's who?"

"Your mysterious friend from out of town! What's his deal? Are you dating? Tea girl! Spill it!" I hardly let myself think before I answered.

"We're just friends! We've been friends for years, so it isn't weird or anything. God, does a guy have to be gay to have a fashion sense?"

"No, but he does have to have a bulge in his pants to put you in those shorts." I blushed so hard, I swear that my blood vessels popped.

"It's NOT like that. I swear."

"Oh Mand, it was a joke, lighten up. What's his name anyway?" I almost can't bring myself to reply. My heart is beating so fast. I can't even think about Freddie that way. I admire how he looks, and how he smells and what he says to me. But when he says that, it triggers a deep, deep feeling that I've had ever since I was a teen. When my hormones kicked in, and I saw Freddie as more than a musician. I don't need to think about that.

"Jordan," I mutter.

"Jordan, sounds legit, not exactly gay, but not strictly straight either. I'll accept that." I sigh, louder than I was supposed to. I went to grab my phone out of my pocket but realised why that was so stupid of me.

"Hey Kaleb, what's the time?" I asked, hoping it had been at least an hour since I'd got here.

"1:30. Why?" Oh, thank god. It's been almost 2 and a half hours. Kaleb always makes the time go fast. He only got here 5 minutes ago and an entire hour has gone by.

"Oh, I left my phone at home. Jordan doesn't have one." Kaleb eyes me for a good second.

"Who, in 2018 doesn't have a phone? Is he like 98?"Kaleb laughs, but I could tell it was a serious question.

"No! He's only 30! His phone is just broken."

"30? Jesus, that's a bit old for you, isn't it Mandy?" I had to use all my force not to slap him in the face.

"I told you! It's not like that!" Plus he wasn't that much older than me. Only five years. That was hardly anything at all.

"OMG Mandy you are such a laugh! You're so easy to rile up!"

"You sound exactly like my sister." I groan. And at that moment, the counter phone rings. Which startled me, because no one ever rings the store. It probably on happened once a month, and usually from a very antisocial collector who is looking for a very specific item but can't be bothered to come in the store. I shew away Kaleb, glad that this conversation was over. I clear my voice, which would be much use, as I never spoke clearly or confidently while working anyway. I pick up the old fashioned 1980's phone and put it up to my ear.

"Winter Blend, this is Mandy speaking, how can I help you?" There was just the sound of rumbling and static on the other end.

"Hello? Are you there?"

"Is this Mandy?" I recognised that voice immediately.

"Oh my lord..." I mumble.

"I knew it! Hello love!"

"Freddie, did you burn down the house?" I said in a very quiet voice

"I'm offended you would assume I was that irresponsible!" He said in a fake hurt voice.

"How did you even find this number?"

"It was in the 'contacts' box thing. I missed your voice! I wanted to hear you." He was being a bit more out there than his regular charisma allowed for.

"Fred, are you drunk?"

"*gasp* I can't even believe you would... no, I am a little bit, I had like two sips."

"Two sips of what?"

"Of voooooooddddkkkkaaaa!" Freddie sang out, very loudly. Then it hit me, I didn't have vodka at home...

"Freddie, where did you get the vodka?" I ask, knowing I'm going to be mad at the answer.

"Oh no, you're not gonna like me if I tell you. And I'm not that drunk miss Pretty Princess Mandy."

"Freddie, where are you?"

"I'm gonna come see you. I promise I'm not even like drinker drunked or anything!"

"Freddie wh-." But the line cut off. And I could hear than dreadfully annoying dial tone. Jesus.

"Who was that?" Kaleb asked as I put down the phone again.


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