11. Don't wake me up before you go go

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"Heeeyy, get up." I heard a distant voice say, very mumbled. Very quiet. "You're not dead, are you? Or do all people in 2018 wake up this late?" I was starting to regain consciousness. I was getting so much sleep the past couple of nights it felt crazy. Obviously, I wasn't keeping myself up until 3 am in the morning on my phone, because I was wearing myself out so much trying to mentally comprehend and deal with the current situation, that by the time I got home each day I just wanted to sleep and nothing else.

"Do you have a job that you work at by any chance? Do you need to go there, because I saw on your fridge calendar that it says today you have 'another shift in hell'? Should I be worried about the staff treatment of this facility?" The voice continued.

"Kel, just go away alright, I'll get up when I'm ready." I slur and mumble. Trying to shoo the voice away with my hand.

"Once again, not Kelsey, but I really need to see a photo of her, to see if she does look like me. I'm intrigued now."

I poke my head out from my pillow and see a gorgeous, but frightening pair of brown eyes staring back at me.

"Ah!" I screamed, rolling to the other side of the bed and getting into a defensive position. I saw Freddie laughing and went to hit him with one of my bed pillows. "You shouldn't scare people! It's rude!" I protested. Making feeble attempts at hurting him.

"Well, you seemed like you wanted me to be a murderer so much yesterday, that I happily obliged. I hope I sufficiently executed your fantasy." Freddie said as he walked out the door. "Oh, and you should get dressed for work, it says you're supposed to be there in 30 minutes."

I feel my heart try and jump to match the thoughts in my head. Did I really not remember I had a shift today? I guess it's hard not to when you have a time traveller living in your house, but still. I usually dread every waking second until my shift and count the minutes I have left of freedom. But I'm still far too high from this whole thing, to be held responsible for any of my actions.

I bolt down the stairs after getting dressed and brushing my overly knotty hair so I could somehow control it, swearing that my feet had fallen off, as well as my heart escaped from my chest from the speed I was going. Jesus, breakfast. Ummm...

"Catch, gorgeous," Freddie called from across the room as he threw me a piece of fruit (which turned out to be a banana). That word doesn't mean anything to me. I caught the fruit and smiled a stressed but thankful smile.

"You're a gem, Freddie." I thanked as I walked out the door, shutting it behind me. I don't think I was really thinking at the time, as to what I thought Freddie would do while I was gone. If he would try to go shopping again without me to wrangle him. Or if he tries to talk to one of my neighbours like people did in the '70s. But of course, I'm a f***ing idiot. And walked straight out the door.

I got to my car and saw him waving at me through the window. He was already dressed and ready for the day, regardless of the fact that he wasn't going anywhere or seeing anyone. But maybe that's what well put together people do. I wouldn't know. I wave back, and I see his corner mouth smile before I turn down the street and speed towards work.

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