57. why do you think that?

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"Wow, we're actually here." I look around at the very underwhelming airport carpark. Trying to keep the spirits high.

"Sydney. It's been a while." Freddie cracks, and I punch my very old and creepy friend.

"Ugh stop reminding me I've been kissing a 75-year-old!" I say as we begin to walk towards the taxis.

"At least this 75-year-old knows how to kiss." He licks his lips and my stomach growls.

"You've got that right," I smirk. But look away before he can show me. I really needed to... ugh god, what was the point? Freddie and I were so sexually repressed. It wasn't our f*cking fault we keep making such sexualised comments toward each other, that was just our coping mechanising so we didn't f*ck each other in public. That's what's making me nervous.. as soon as we get back to the hotel.. no. I would come up with something, I'll distract him, I'll do whatever I need to for as long as I need to.

We hop into a taxi and tell him the address of our hotel. Excited and exhausted I lean against my life, doing it in a way that I thought would have the least chance of leading to a boner, per Freddie's wishes. God, I'm glad I don't have to deal with them. They must be so annoying, although I did love the thought of me touching Freddie or saying something to him in a certain way and that making him aroused. I never thought I could be arousing. Not in the slightest. So it made me giddy, in a way.

We start driving and the car is dead silent. I don't really mind that much if it was just me and Freddie, but because it was the driver as well, I felt sort of obligated to keep a chatter going on, even though what I said was so far from appropriate.

"Whats the longest you've gone without sex?" Why the f*ck am I so f*cking stupid...

"What?" Fred chuckles as he looks down to me. I blush and realise what I've just said. Too late now.

"I mean like in your adult life." I track over. And Freddie thinks about it for a long while.

"9 days. Give or take." My mouth literally dropped open. 9 DAYS?! You hadn't gone without sex for more than 9 days?!

"Wait are you serious?!" I cough up. And Freddie just chuckles.

"Yeah. It's getting pretty difficult." Wait, what?

"What do you mean?" Fred looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"I mean that's its dragging on for a bit long now. It's getting harder and harder to look at you." And the wave of realisation washes over me. He was talking about now. This past week and a half is the longest he has ever gone without sex. Oh god, that's why. That's why he f*cking wants to f*ck me so bad. That's why he did that whole thing on the plane. He's just trying to blow off his steam. Once he blows his load... will I still be as attractive to him? My brow furrows and I'm suddenly not as keen to give my answer anymore.

"Mandy?" He looks at me, and I look up at him. I blink and flick my head away, fake laughing.

"Mines a bit embarrassing then." Fred chuckles and holds my hand.

"You can tell me, I won't judge." He leans down and kisses me slowly. Delicately, no lust at all. A tingle dances around my lips and dives into my stomach. Ugh god, I can't be mad at this man. I really can't. He lets go of me, and I keep my lips parted and my eyes closed for a little. When I finally open them, Freddie looks like he wants to suck my face off. And I would gladly do the same in return.

"3 years." His eyes widen and he covers his mouth so he can't laugh. He turns around and faces the window, trying to breathe while also trying not to choke up and splutter.

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