17. Oh Lord kill me now

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I'm not really entirely sure what I'm going to do once I get there. Or what he even wants me for. If I'm being entirely honest, and this is meaning no offence to you Brian, but your friend seems like a complete and utter nut job. I didn't even really get a word in after hello once he saw me! Its like he f***ing locked onto me or something, and he seriously would not let me go.

"Sweetheart, you don't happen to know anything about this guy do you?" I ask my very reserved, new chauffeur. I hadn't quite remembered his name yet. Something beginning with an R, or a K maybe. It startled him that I was actually talking directly to him, instead of through another person. He seemed sweet but very paranoid. I'm not sure whether I can handle that for very long, I might get Paul to look for some other options for me.

"Oh, um no sir, I don't, sorry." He utters, fast and panicky.

"Oh god, please don't call me sir dear, it makes me feel dreadfully old." I whine as I face my head toward the window of the car.

"Sorry si-, I mean Freddie."

"Turn on the radio, would you?" I ask, hoping something I liked would come on to clear my nerves a little. Oh, reader, I am so so so sorry, you probably don't have the slightest idea what is going on, do you? Well let me walk you through, today is the uh...

"What's the date today Karen?" My chauffeur snorts but quickly shuts up again.

"Karen?" He asks, trying to be professional is impossible around me darling.

"Yes well I couldn't remember your name, so you're Karen now. Is that alright K?" I ask, more frustrated. I could hear the radio turn on now, and it's playing a new song I can't name.

"Uh, yeah. I mean yes. It's uh, the 22nd." It was hard to ignore the rapidly approaching holidays. With Christmas decorations being vomited onto every street corner, store and house. Right, so it's the 22nd of December. And I'm on my way to Brains 'friends' house. The man gave me the creeps. But I honestly didn't know how to say no to him yesterday when he asked he to come over and see his 'project'. Brian said it was pretty fascinating (of course for Brian, a bloody floating rock in space is exciting), but then why wasn't he coming with me? I didn't want to be here any more than the next person. I was guilt-tripped, tricked, lied to. This wasn't going to be f**king exciting, and an 'inspiring' experience like he had tried to make me believe yesterday, this was going to be a bad f***ing waste of 1 hour of my life. And I mean 1 hour, at most. I was not spending any more time with this guy than I had to. I was going to make sure Karen stayed close behind me at all times.

We passed Brians house, and I waved, even though I knew no one could see me. Oh God, that sounds pitifully sad, I'm not really that lonely. I was just missing Brain and the boys yesterday is all. After all the launch parties were over for 'A Day At The Races' and my parting was done for celebrating 'A Day At The Races' (which usually lasts 3 more days longer than the rest of the group), I was feeling partied out, and wanted to have a week or so at home with David. Which I was really excited about, I hardly ever get to spend time with him. But I couldn't spend that much time alone with David. I thought I could, but I can't. All he wants to do it go out and eat out and see out and do everything out and only with me. I love him, I love him to bloody pieces. But he's becoming one of my cats. I groom him, give him shelter, feed him and scratch his back every now and then, but he never wants the attention off of him. It's getting so suffocating, and exhausting.

I thought it would be a good idea to pop into Brians place, say hi to Christine, and maybe have a writing session. Just to clear my brain a bit. I didn't miss him! Alright, I was just a little bit sick of David that's all. I didn't ask for this. I didn't know his weird science-y friend was going to harass me once I got there. Oh well. Too late now, we're practically already there.

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