8. It's time.

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"1976 dear, is there a problem with that?" It really hit me now. He actually thought this was the 70's. I knew my house was old but I didn't think it was that convincing. I took a couple of shallow breaths and replied.

"Freddie it's the 9th of February 2018." I heard him burst into laughter, and stand up to go back into the kitchen.

"Wow, she can do horror movies and comedies, what a talented little actress." He spoke, mostly to himself while he fetched his tea. I searched for something I could use as evidence. And my fingers brushed over a little black rectangle. Good enough. I walked into the kitchen and found him still giggling to himself.

"2018, I guess I'm what..." it took him a couple of seconds to calculate. "75,76 years old now? I think I look pretty good for an old geezer don't you think Mand?" I walked up to him and entered the passcode into my phone, before shoving it into his face.

"Look, phones are hand-sized now and don't have to be connected to walls. I can talk to people electronically through texting without having to hear their voice, and I can take photos on it too." Freddie glanced at my phone for 2 seconds before turning back to his tea.

"I can tell you enjoy sci-fi, futuristic movies because that is the most creative idea I've ever heard, you should sell it." He scoffed. I've gotta hit harder. I grab a magazine that's sitting on our kitchen counter.

"Look! Look at the date on this magazine! I bought this a couple of days ago, and it says the 6th of February 2018. Look!" Freddie, for whatever reason, decided to humor me. And he glanced at the magazine. It was a trashy brand that my sister likes but I couldn't stand. I'm really more of a book person.

His face went pale. And he grabbed the mag from my hands and held it closer to his face. I didn't actually check the cover before I showed it to him. It was too late when I finally realized that the candid shot on the front, was one of Brian May and Roger Taylor. The heading read 'Super sensation rock band Queen halfway through 2018 tour.". But I could tell the date wasn't what was shocking about the cover, it was how much older Brain and Roger looked. How grey and aged they were. Freddie still looked like he was 30, and Brain and Rog were passing 70. Freddie's lip quivered.

"Harry you f***ing bastard." I heard him mumble. He went silent. "42 years, is that right?" He looked at me with rage and regret in his eyes. I nod. Not wanting to feed the flames. "Well, I hope you're damn proud of yourself Harry you evil f***ing-!" Freddie began screaming but couldn't finish. He looked up at me, almost as if he were about to cry. He had now begun pacing the kitchen. Sweat dripping down his forehead.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked through hysterical chuckles.

"As soon as I knew you were actually Freddie."

"Isn't it pretty f***ing obvious when you get one look at me!" He screamed, tears involuntarily rolling down his soft cheeks. I have never felt more heartbroken, to see this vulnerable man at his point of weakness, made me so mad. I'm not sure who I was even made yet but default tears began to flush out. Please, I didn't want you to get hurt like this. I'm gonna fix this. I don't know how but I'm going to do everything I can to fix this.

"I'm sorry, I just-.." Freddie didn't bother looking me in the eye. "I need to go for a walk." And with that, Freddie Mercury, still in his pajamas and tears still escaping his delicate eyes, walked out of my house and shut the door behind him. I didn't know what to do. Do I go after him? Or risk him being seen by anyone else? Or do I just wait and see if he comes back? I slide against my kitchen counter until I'm sitting on the floor with my head in my hands. I think I stayed there for a good ten minutes. Not even really thinking, just reflecting on the last few seconds of our conversation. How upset he looked. That fear of never being able to go back home. When he realized everyone he loved was old and grey or probably dead.

I finally snapped out of it. I don't know why Freddie crash landed into my life. But I had to believe it wasn't an accident. I need to protect him. He's 42 years and an ocean away from home. He doesn't know anyone else, or even really where he is at this point. Regardless of whether he wants it, I'm going to help him.

I stand up and wipe the tears away from my face. I walk over to the door and put on my old sneakers. Not exactly elegant shoes but I wasn't trying to win a beauty pageant here. I step outside and close the door behind me, ready to walk and search for him as long as it took. I made my first step off the porch.

"Freddie?" I shouted. I wouldn't really have to be quiet since the majority of my street were awake already. It's a pretty kid-friendly area so a lot of the people who live here are families with your children, who always want to get up at 7:00.

"I'm here darling." I cocked my head to the left and saw Freddie sitting on one of my porch chairs. Looking into the street. Not crying anymore, but he looked damaged now. I stopped and stared for a couple of seconds. Before he patted the seat next to him, inviting me over.

I made my way over to the seat, sat down, and felt the early morning sunshine. It was nice, being outside. I really should get out more often. I kept both of my hands in my lap. Palms sweating like usual.

"I took two steps out your door, and realized.. that I literally have nowhere else to go." He uneasily admitted.

I wasn't ever good at comforting people, or giving advice, or making the best of a bad situation. But I needed to try. It was my turn to be the older sister.

"How do you feel?" I asked softly as if the reply was going to be just as soft. I heard him chuckle again, before wiping his eyes.

"How would you feel realizing that all of your loved ones have aged 42 years and you haven't? Sure at least I'm the most attractive now, but I feel a bit out of place frankly." He giggled again. He really tried to lighten up every situation. Was it for my benefit, or for his? With some wild shock of bravery, I lifted up my hand and took his in mine.

"Hey, we'll find out a way to get you back. I'm sure of it. If you managed to get here, there has to be a way back right?" I spoke, confidently yet sympathetic. I wanted to be the strong one in this. Even though I was still crying. Freddie looked at me, his eyes full of fear, but still slightly warm.

"I do have to ask you though," I began, Freddie attention still on me. "How did you actually get here." Freddie looked at the front yard. Eyes hard, as if he was contemplating his answer. Finally, after about 10 seconds, he stood up and walked back over to the door.

"Freddie?" I asked confused. He turned around to me. Looking confused himself and said.

"Oh, sorry, I thought this is what Australians do when they are asked questions. They get up and walk away to do something else." I giggle, because I know that's all I've been doing the entire time he's been here, and my face goes red from embarrassment.

"Oh, god I really do do that don't I?" I asked, standing up and walking over to Freddie. He held out his hand, as to let me go in the house first. Such a gentleman, even after finding out his family and friends are all old and grey, he still manages to show manners and a sense of humor. He's a wonder this man. He truly is.

"Pray tell me dear, are we currently in London?" He asks, fanning himself, confused by the dramatic change of weather. It was just beginning the first month of Winter where he came from, and he's just jumped into the middle of an Australian summer. How lucky for him. I walk toward the stairs and start climbing them.

"No, you're not in London," I answered, trying to be delicate but humorous at the same time. Freddie began to follow me up the stairs.

"We're at least in the U.K though?" Freddie questioned, a little more agitated.

"No, we're in-."

"Australia! That seems pretty bloody obvious." He cuts in before walking into my sister's room. Wow, he really was sharp this man, didn't miss a beat. I'm surprised he actually didn't guess he was in another time before I worked up the courage to tell him.

"Now, do you have any day clothes I can wear? What's the fashion in 2018?" He said that last part as if he was acting in a really low budget movie. He didn't really fully believe it yet. Honestly, I wouldn't either.

"Why the rush to get changed? We're not going anywhere." I scoffed leaving my sister's doorway and turning around back to my room.

"Oh, but yes we are darling."

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