7. Dreams, mistakes, and regrets.

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I wake up a lot later than I should have. I must have left my phone downstairs, so I didn't set an alarm. My clock said that it was 10:30. Sh*t, that was a decent sleep. I hear light footsteps and music coming from downstairs. Kelsey must be making breakfast. I walk to the bathroom and splash my face with cold water. It had now returned to summer, and I could already tell it was going to be in the mid 30's today (Celsius, not Fahrenheit). I walk down the stairs. Feeling very well rested, and could smell tea from the kitchen. That's weird, Kelsey doesn't drink tea in the morning. I walk past our record player, which has been neglected for the past year but was apparently now getting some use. I couldn't recognize this tune. Which is weird, considering all the records here are mine. Maybe I just need my morning coffee.

I walk into the kitchen. "Hey Kels, you wouldn't believe the craziest dream I had last..."

"Good morning dearest." The man with gorgeously messy black hair said to me. "You must tell me more about this Kelsey you keep mentioning, and do I look like her or something? Because you certainly mix us up a good majority of the time." I don't speak. It wasn't a dream. Kelsey is on a plane to Hawaii right now, and I'm sharing a kitchen with make-believe Freddie Mercury. That makeup he's wearing sure help up alright. In my state of half-consciousness, I walk over to my intruder and start to try and smudge his make up, take off his prosthetics, or remove his wig. My hands gently rubbing over his entire face. I didn't even think to ask him or to look to see what his reaction was, I was determined to get the truth. But it all stayed on. Everything on his face was real. It was about 15 seconds into this that he finally made an objection with what I was doing.

"As much as I love a good game of touchy-feely, I really don't think you're in the right state for that my love, have you had enough?" The smell of the coffee beans sitting next to me bring

me back to consciousness. What the f*** was I doing? But I didn't apologize, instead, I stood there, hands on my hips, and repeated the same question he has asked me the night before.

"Prove it," I said. A cheeky, and unintended smile on my face, which made him smile as well.

"Prove what, my dear?" He asked. Taking a sip of his freshly made tea. The man couldn't fry an egg to save his life, but he knows how to make himself a cup of tea. How British.

"Prove to me, that you are Freddie Mercury and not some crazy stalker with really good makeup skills." He laughed, but I was dead serious. And he could tell once he looked up at me. The man set his cup of tea on the counter next to him, took a deep breath, and began to sing one of the most beautiful songs I've ever known.

"Love of my life- you've hurt me,

You've broken my heart,

You now, desert me.

Love of my life, can't you see!"

Each note that passed through this mans lips was so Freddie. You may be able to fake the talk, and the clothes, and the face. But you can't fake that voice, that soft, yet powerful, beautiful voice.

"Bring it back,

Bring it back.

Don't take it away from me because." Before Freddie could sing the next part, I involuntarily started for him.

"You don't know, what it means to me." Freddie smiled and looked up at me. Singing the next part.

"Love of my life.." Then he paused to let me sing.

"Love of my life.."

"Oooo, Yeah." He finished. My god, this man couldn't just sing, he could summon the angels with that voice. I stood there, not saying anything, and Freddie took it upon himself to break the silence.

"Was that sufficient evidence darling?" I nodded, my heart pounding harder in my chest. Freddie Mercury just sang for me, in my kitchen. I couldn't believe it. I was living the dream of thousands upon thousands of people in the Queen fandom. I was actually sharing the same room as Freddie Mercury. Freddie Mercury had slept the night in my house. Freddie Mercury had somehow and for whatever reason, crash landed into my life. I was still confused out of my mind and I couldn't think straight, but I was filled to the brim with what I can only describe as sheer happiness. My life long dream had come true. The love of my life had met me at last.

"I don't mean to ruin such a lovely moment, but would you mind if I used your cell phone now?" Freddie asked, again trying to attempt my accent. You would think that this joke would be starting to get old, but it really wasn't. He was so bad at it, that I couldn't help but laugh every time he tried. But I stopped laughing when I realized that I couldn't supply him with a phone. Not my phone at least, unless I wanted to freak him out and possibly risk him running off into the futuristic world of 2018. At least we don't have flying cars and robot slaves like they thought we would have. It won't be too much for him, right? The fact that he traveled 42 years into the future, wouldn't be too damaging to process, right?

I had no choice, I couldn't not tell him that he had traveled to the future. How long was that charade supposed to last? I could avoid using my phone for any time he was here, but what was I supposed to do? Keep him captive in my house until I figured out how to send him back? As soon as he steps outside he'll have questions. And I don't even know where to start with sending him back. I don't even know who sent him here in the first place. I hold my breath, and Freddie can tell I'm agitated.

"Is everything alright love? You, do have a phone, right?" Yeah of course I have a phone. But the person you want to call is dead. Jesus that sounded evil. Alright, how do I approach this?

"ah-hem" I clear my throat, for some reason, thinking that might make this easier to say.

"Freddie," I start. I catch a glimpse of two things folded up on the couch. I walk right past Freddie, still waiting patiently for an answer, and go to see what it was. I pick up the first one and unfold my sister birthday gift I opened yesterday, and I lose myself in excitement for a moment. It's strange how I can literally be in the same house as Freddie Mercury, but still, get excited about going to see half of the original Queen in concert.

"What do we have here?" The velvety voiced man asked from behind me. I quickly hide away the tickets and try to act like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Lies! I saw it, now let me see!" You might be thinking, why didn't I just let Freddie see the tickets if I was going to tell him anyway? Well, it's one thing to tell a person they've traveled In time, quite another to reveal that they died and their band has gone on to play without them for 26 years. Freddie is now chasing me in circles, trying to get the paper. I'm running out of time.

"Freddie, what's the date!" I ask frantically, still dodging this man who stagers over me by at least 4 inches.

"Why does that matter? I want to see the paper! Is it a love letter? How outrageously scandalous darling!"

"Freddie it's important!" I shouted. He stopped chasing me and looked a bit out of breath. Even with red blushing cheeks he still looked gorgeous.

"You're a persistent little actress aren't you?" He took a couple more deep breaths in.

"The 23rd of December, I'll have to buy you a Christmas present." He added playfully. It almost lightened up the situation that I knew was about the get dark.

"Year." I bluntly requested. Freddie scoffed.

"And I thought they were exaggerating when they said everything in Australia was upside down. Turns out even your sense of time is too."

"What year is it?" I repeated. Not any louder, but a little colder. Like I wasn't interested, or amused by his side commentary. I think he got the message.

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