5. No really, who are you?

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The first thing I remember thinking when I woke up was how dark it was outside. It must be 10:30 at least. I yawn and stretch out, but I feel restricted. I must have fallen asleep on the couch again watching something Queen related on my laptop. But I couldn't feel my laptop on my stomach. In fact, now that my senses were starting to redevelop, I couldn't actually recall even lying down on the couch. Hmm, I remember opening Kelseys present, looking at it all the way home, hearing a noise upstairs, going to- wait. My eyes open wider as I now remember what had just happened. I sit up and look around for the 70's man, that I'm refusing to believe is Freddie Mercury until I can talk to him. I really haven't sobered up to this quite yet. There was an intruder in my house, that I believe is the, what? Reincarnated Freddie Mercury? The legendary frontman for Queen who died over 25 years ago? Yet it was still more believable than it just being an intruder. Probably because I was still too wacky on sleep. I could smell something coming from the kitchen, it smelt like an egg at first but after about five seconds I could tell the egg had been badly burnt. Wait, no one is home, who's cooking eggs?

I get up way too quickly and have to sit back down again because my head starts to spin. I eagerly make my way over to the kitchen and get the surprise of my life when I see the same black haired intruder from before, softly singing the tune to a song I recognize from 'A Day At The Races'. It's one of the more unpopular songs, but it's one of my personal favorites.

"Oooo, take my breath away, Ooooo," Wow, he sang it so elegantly, like it was something he created, every note he sings, sung with confidence and satisfaction. Without meaning to I join in his mini concert. Adding the overlapping oo's, as he continues to sing, oblivious to me being there until he hears me sing of course. To which he instantly turns around with a slightly worried look, that turns into a friendly smile immediately. He turns away from the stove and walks casually toward me.

"Hello, Sleeping Beauty. That was quite a spill you had out there.' Before he can come any closer, I put my hand out to stop him. I still don't trust this man I tell myself. He could be the exact opposite of what you think he is. Yeah, he could be Kanye West. I have to giggle to myself for that one, and the man looks at me with a confused and intrigued expression. I go a bit red and clear my throat. Focus Mandy, you're on a mission.

"I'm surprised you're familiar with that one actually, we only just released that album, 3 weeks ago? Was it?" We only just released that album? WE? I'm so fucking confused. What the sh*t is going on here. Also, 3 weeks ago? A Day At The Races was released in December of 1976. There's a bit of a time jump there. All I can manage to do is just hold my finger up to his mouth to tell him to shut up. And he does. I really gotta get answers, this is f***ing with my head a little more than I'm usually comfortable with.

"So wait a second, who are you?" I ask for the second time, not being able to look away from this mans beautiful face. The man leans against the counter.

"Well if I tell you dear, you might faint again." I bugged my eyes.

"I fainted?" I asked the very handsome stranger.

"Yes, I'm used to crazy fans, but not anything like that. I caught you just before you hit the ground and brought you inside. Looked like you needed a rest so I left you on the sofa to sleep it off." I was getting answers but wasn't quite processing them yet. I probably looked like I had stomach pains.

"By the way darling if it's not too much trouble, can I use your phone? I checked every room and I couldn't seem to find it. I need to call a friend." I walked over to the pan that contained the charred eggs and started trying to scrape them off the pan.

"Oh yes, sorry love I wanted to make you something to eat when you woke up, but I'm absolutely useless in the kitchen, speaking of kitchens, your one needs an update." Tell me about it. Half our appliances in here don't work and the ceiling has a few noticeable holes in it. I scrapped the eggs into the bin, not really knowing what else to do at this point and put the pan in the sink to soak.

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