59. care for a dip?

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 The elevator door opens on the 10th floor and we look out both ways before quietly sprinting down the corridor.

"Which way is it?" I ask, trying not to laugh so I don't wake anyone else up.

"Just at the end of this floor," Freddie says, holding my hand tightly and not letting go. I watch his beautiful hair fly behind him as we run, and it honestly feels like I'm in a fairy tale.

We reach the doors and Fred crosses his fingers before pulling the knob. I hold my breath. And Jesus Christ the door opens. He looks back at me and a huge and devilish smile on his face. I wanna kiss that stupid smile right off his face.

We walk through the door and out into the warm summer night. It's perfect. The in-pool luminescence lights were on, but everything else was off. It was dark but calming. And I don't know why the hell this hotel wants people to sneak into their pool at 1 am, but there is only one of the stupid notch lock kiddie gates surrounding the pool. I look around again, to make sure no one was out here cleaning or anything. But then again, why would anyone be cleaning at 1 am?

"F*cking score!" Freddie harshly whispers, he drops his towel and goes to jump in.

"Freddie!!" I hiss. He stops and looks back at me.

"Don't f*cking cannonball! You're going to get us caught!"

"Says the one that felt me up in the aeroplane bathroom." He winks but I sternly look at him.

"Alright alright. Now c' mon, hurry up." I take a deep breath, and I mean a really deep breath, and drop my towel. Freddie turns his head back to me, and his smile fades. I stand there, arms crossed over my chest. Freddies eyes widen, and he takes a step closer to me.

"Are we gonna go in?" I ask. But he moves away from the pool. He comes up to me, and lifts my hands out and down to my sides. He scoffs and I blush. Dammit, Mercury just say it already.

"You are so-"

"Sexy? F*ckable? Boner inducing?" I laugh, but Fred almost looks hurt.

"No, Jesus Mandy you're gorgeous." I scoff this time and Freddie pulls my hands up to his face.

"My Mandy. The most beautiful woman." I look up to him and see the scary sincerity in his eyes. I kiss him on the cheek and walk over to the pool.

"C'mon, let's go for a dip baby," I say as I slide myself into the pool and paddle around, waiting for Fred to join me. It takes him a few seconds, but he makes his way over and gets in only a little bit louder than me.

I swim backwards, watching him trying to catch up to me. I swim around in circles in reverse, letting Fred chase me. I pull out my hair tie and wet my hair in the water by leaning back. Its so calming, so tranquil. So quiet. When I look back up, I see Freddie is right in front of me. So close. I could feel him before he even touched me. He smiles, and I place my arms around his neck.

"Hi..." he smirks and draws his lips to mine. His soft, beautiful lips. The white noise of the night around us is so perfect, so capturing of the moment. He pulls his lips away from mine and I almost feel sad that that had to end. I wanted it to go on forever. To be here, with him, forever. Freddie smiles and puts his hands on my shoulders, before aggressively pushing me under the water. The f*cking prick. I struggle to get air because I didn't have any in the first place, but I kept getting held down. Freddie?! Do you want me to f*cking drown?!

Suddenly his hands leave my shoulders and I race for the surface, coughing and spluttering as quietly as I can while still making a point.

"Douchebag!" I say between coughs, and I look around for him, but I hear him long before I see him. He's singing. Singing a song I know. A song I know really well. It's my song.

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