35. damsel in distress

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"So what, you just don't drink, like ever?" Sierra asks me, I can see her lipstick is smudged around her mouth, and I have an overwhelming urge to fix it, but I shouldn't touch her face.

"Well, not usually, no." I'm growing quickly tired of this conversation. I felt bad that everyone has sort of abandoned her. No one deserves to be alone, but I wasn't struggling to figure out why.

"That's a bit antisocial, don't you think?" Don't roll your eyes, take a deep breath.

"Well, I'm still here, interacting with others, right? I don't see why I have to be drinking to do that."

"It's your loss sweetheart." Sierra gulps another large swig of her beer. She is a striking beer person. The type of person you would see hanging out at one of those sports bars from American movies.

"I'm feeling a bit cramped, I might go walk around for a while." I smile, feeling tired and not up for this continuously one-sided conversation. Sierra sat up but acted like she didn't really care that much.

"Alrighty, have fun Katie." She starts to pick her teeth as I walk away. Leave it, leave it, leave it...

I turn around and walk up to Sierra, stopping in front of her, her eyes wide and glaring at me. I lick my thumb and rub the smudged lipstick off her face. Smiling before I begin to walk off again.

"Can't have you not looking your best, now can we?" I know it's very not like me, but I strut around the corner and into the main part of the bar before I even wait for her answer. I'm sorry, alright, I know that was really rude, but I can't handle her for more than 30 minutes at a time. Plus, I knew I had left Mandy alone for too long. She's probably cooped up at the bar, working on her fourth or fifth drink by now. Poor clueless soul.

I just start to walk around the outside on the crowd, not looking for anyone in particular. But just looking. Seeing all the interesting characters that have made their way down to this bar tonight. all the amazing, and not so amazing outfits. I wasn't one to judge people fashion choices though, my wardrobe consisted of 85% floral print fit and flare dresses.

I find myself walking over to the bar. Not to get a drink! But to just check on Mandy. I know she'll still be there. She wouldn't alone go out and try to have fun, it just wasn't in her nature. But after I made the first round of the bar, and realised there was no Mandy, that's when a red flag went off in my head. Who stole Mandy? I want to chuckle, but there's no one around me to share it, so I decided to keep my mouth shut.

I see 3 empty glasses at an empty station and know I've just missed her. Freddie Probably snatched her up, forcing her to dance or something of the sort. He seemed like the kind of guy to do that. It still felt weird to think about, I mean, how could you not feel weird about knowing a time traveller? But it's like my brain and my thoughts can't quite connect the link between Freddie and Jordan, or maybe they just couldn't comprehend the fact that he's literally from another time.

I spin my head around. Looking into the crowd. Do I dare walk into the thick sweaty crowd, looking for my friends, or go back and sit with my ray of sunshine? As if the question was that hard to answer in the first place, it was answered for me...

"Freddie!" My head snaps to the centre of the club room, where I can see a long head of hair spinning around frantically. "Freddie!!" Oh no Mandy, no no no!

I feel a sense of adrenaline kick in, and I push myself through the now clumping crowd, that were congregating around poor Mandy. Dang it Freddie, what did you do? Sweaty body after sweaty body, I push to the side as I'm trying quicker and quicker to get to Mandy.

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