42. can't be

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"Ow!" Jesus Christ that hurt! F*ck! I reach my hand for the stove and turn down the burner I'm using. This is why Kelsey cooks. I was a disaster on legs. I quickly stir the rice and then run my finger under the tap. Only I would find anyway way to hurt myself while performing a simple task.

'Make fried rice!' I thought. 'It'll be easy!' I continued. Oh god, nothing was simple for me. Not even brushing my hair, looking in the mirror, or getting up in the morning. Especially not anymore. Especially not since my stay-in rockstar, stylist, food critique, art student, piano player, 'new gay best friend' had crashed into my life. My life was kicked into overdrive and going slower than ever at the same time. I can't actually recall a time within the past 6 days, where I have been bored. Even in the slightest. There's been complete and utter terror, sickness, jealousy, lust, anger, rage, sadness, blissful happiness, but no boredom. I can't help but smile. I hadn't really thought about it, but what was I going to do once Freddie left? I had only known him for 6 days, and yet I felt like he was as much part of me as my sister was. Since he came, I've been going out with friends, laughing, I've barely touched my MacBook, and I haven't completely hated myself. In fact (and I'm trusting you to keep this to yourself reader), I actually find myself moderately tolerable. What sort of crazy world am I living in right?

"Boo." I hear a whisper and I jump, splashing water all over Fred's front and down his pants. Shit.

"Oh, you dickhead!" I chuckle as I dry my hands and run to get a towel.

"Ah! Alright, I think the splash was validated but did I really deserve the 'dickhead' comment?" I give him the towel because there's no way I'm helping him clean his pants.

"Well, that depends sir, were you acting like a dickhead?"

"Don't challenge me, darling, I can get pretty damn assertive when I want to." I thought about testing him on that, but then remembered earlier today, and wisely decided against it. I turned back to the stove and stared at the rice, which was obviously begging for me to stop torturing it.

"Can I help with the cooking?" I turned around and studied Fred's face.

"As bad as I am at cooking, I find it offensive that you think I would need your help." Freddie scoffs and puts his hands on his hips, trying to be as dramatic as possible in complete Freddie fashion.

"And I find it offensive that you think my help wouldn't be useful!" i stare him down, and try to detect any hints of sarcasm laced between his theatrically layered accent.

"Oh come on! The first day you got here, you managed to burn scrambled eggs. And I mean like char. I was soaking that pan for days." I giggle, and turn back around to the rice, deciding to turn it off.

"Fluke!" He called, and I burst into laughter. This was going overboard now.

"Stop it! You're gonna make me piss myself!" I carry on, and he just watches, with a wide smile on his face. It should be creepy, but for someone reason, it just isn't. It can't be with Freddie. It's almost impossible.

"Well, that's the aim."

"What?" I cough up, confused and slightly dizzy from the laughing fit.

"Your laugh, it's beautiful." I chuckle up even more. God, what a concept. Anything that has to do with me and the word 'beautiful' being put in the same sentence was comedy gold.

"As much as I love listening to it, that's something you shouldn't laugh at!" He exclaimed. But I couldn't stop smiling.

"Do you have a horse fetish? Because that's what I sound like." Freddie bites his lip and spins around out of frustration, oh god give it a rest!

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