11.5. Freaky Fred-day

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"Does she own any good music at all?" I ask my self aloud, as I impatiently flick through my clueless friend's, a pathetic collection of records. " The 1975, Micheal Bubblé, Beyonce? Who are these people?" Oh god man you're such an idiot sometimes. You're in the bloody future, of course, you don't know who any of the musicians are. I consider playing the Bubble one, before I remember the music I heard in Mandy's car yesterday, and quickly decide against it. Whatever the hell that was, I never want to hear it again. It was a crime against humanity.

"Ah! Finally! Something good!" I pick out the iconic record and put it on the plate. I wonder why it was so dusty when I played it yesterday. Do people not use records as much as they did? What do they use instead? Well, I know that Mandy's 'cell phone' can make different some music, but surely she couldn't fit a whole record in there.. how would that even work? I can't think about that too much or my head might explode. I swore it already had yesterday when she told me about this.. whole situation. I still don't really know if I fully believe it. Or maybe my mind just can't grasp it yet. But oh god am I trying.

The song starts playing and I can already feel my body start to move with the music. You couldn't not dance to this song. It was in the name for crying out loud! This isn't exactly in my personal music taste, but I think no matter what you liked you had to love this song. I've met the band a few times. Alright, people actually. I start to prance around the room. As much as it might seem like it, I don't really think I'm a good dancer, or a decent one at that like I make out to be on stage. I just love to move and let the music move me along with it.


You can dance

You can jive

Having the time of your life, Ooo

See that girl

Watch that scene

Dig in the dancing queen

Friday nights and the lights are low

looking out for a place to go

Where they play the right music

Getting in the swing

You come to look for a king

As much as I do prefer rock, jazz and funk, I do like a little pop from time to time. I start to move and prance around the house. I know I probably look ridiculous but Mandy's not here and she can't make any comments about how I look like I'm trying not to fall over. I don't think she realises how rude she is sometimes, how she always walks away when I'm talking to her, and avoids answering my questions. I'm not hurt by it, not at all, but I just want to know why. Am I that unbearable to talk to? *scoff* There is so much about that woman that puzzles me.

Anybody could be that guy

Night is young and the music's- high

With a bit of rock music

Everything is fine

You're in the mood for a dance

"And when you get the chance,

You are the dancing queen

Young and sweet

Only seventeen!

Dancing queen

Feel the beat of the tambourine oh yeah~"

I'm jumping up and down by this point, I really don't have any control over myself when I'm in a dancing mood. I feel the floor shake beneath my feet but I keep going.

"You can dance

You can jive

Having the time of your life!


See that girl, watch that scene

Diggin' the dancin' queen!"

"Mandy, come dance with me!" I yell out into the empty house before realising that Mandy left for work an hour ago. God, I'm such a dip-shit sometimes. Still would be nice to dance with someone. I hate being alone, I absolutely despise it. Too many quiet moments lead me to think too much, which I hate even more. If I'm ever alone I'm usually passed out from a way too intense night of drinking, or I'm playing music to distract myself from being alone. Mandy may be a sporadic little tease but if I had it my way I would make her quit her job so she could just stay home all day.

My miniature concert was very rudely interrupted by a quiet, but noticeable knock on the door. I'm not sure quite where my head was at that moment, apparently it was back in the '70s because after being mildly embarrassed and turning down the record player, I walked over to the front door and opened it without as much as a second thought. It was only after I saw a girl standing there who wasn't Mandy that I realised that I'm not supposed to let anyone know that I exist. I find myself nearly slamming the door shut in her face, but something about her expression, the fact that she didn't even flinch when she saw me standing there instead of Mandy, but instead smiled gently, made me so much calmer.

"Hi! You must be Mandy's friend from out of town, I'm Katie!"

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