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Dedicated to Nessa-CE

Q1: What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

"Knowing what you want to tell it's a very important one, of course other things like consistency and spelling are important but if you don't have a good plot and a good story, it can get lost among many other similar stories."

Q2: How do you develop your plot and characters?

"I like to take my time developing my characters even before I start writing, because even though the plot can be developed while you are writing it, with the characters you have to take your time to get to know them, know how they think and act so you can transmit all of this to the reader."

Q3: What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

"Dealing with my laziness. At least for me, sometimes it's a bit hard to actually want to write even though I know exactly how the story continues. And when I force myself to write, it just doesn't work, I end up not liking the outcome. But when I'm actually in the mood to write, I enjoy it a lot."

Q4: What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

"The power of our minds and imagination, sometimes I think I know what I'm going to write but when I am actually doing it, it just suddenly changes direction, it's like the characters were writing their own story."

Q5: Do you have a favourite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

"Every character that I have created is special to me but I definitely feel a stronger connection with Arianna, one of the main characters of the story I am currently writing. I like to think of her as the improved version of myself"

Q6: What was the inspiration for your most recent story?

"Honestly, I was just remembering a situation I had been in and then started dreaming about what I would've liked to happen. Inspiration can come out of nowhere."

Q7: What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

"I think the best message this story could have is that it's ok to be uncertain about the future, it's ok to be spontaneous, I feel like some of us can put a lot of pressure on our backs because of society or what other people might think, but we can also miss too many opportunities because of this.

I just want everyone to live life to the fullest, I hope my story can help a little."

Q8: Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

"Yes, I am currently working on two other stories apart from the one I have here on Wattpad. I guess I could say you are going to get to know better some of the other characters I have created for 'A larga distancia'."

Q9: What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

"I don't have any names in mind, I definitely have some favourite authors but they write different genres that I haven't experience with, yet."

Q10: If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

"Loyal, determined, and sarcastic."

Q11: What's your favourite spot to visit in your own country? And what makes it so special to you?

"Mexico has a lot of beautiful cities, places, beaches, etc. I don't know, I could never choose just one."

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