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1) What is the most difficult part about writing for you? And how do you overcome it?

"The most difficult part about writing is my keeping motivation. I write a lot of FanFictions, and I'll start it, maybe do a chapter or two, and then I'll loose interest. What I'll do to over come that, is I'll skip to a more interesting part of the story, where my character is more important, and then go back to fill in the space between."

2) Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?

"My tips for writers are A) Force yourself. I know many people say to take your time and let the inspiration come to you, but if I set a goal and force myself to write, I will. For example, my phones screensaver is the cover of the current book I'm writing. It really works."

3) What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the publishing journey?

"My favorite part would have to be being able to get my story out. I love being able to share my talent with others. My least favorite part is waiting for my favorite part to happen."

4) How do you develop your plot and characters?

"Plot prompts take time. They typically originate from my dreams. Dreams are the best prompts you can ever use, because they usually come from your subconscious; things you know, but don't know you know. On the other hand, my characters, usually my teen fiction ones, come from people I know in real life."

5) Describe your perfect book hero or heroine.

"My perfect book heroine is someone who is kind, loyal, and compassionate, but afraid to fall in love. It's my favorite type because it's basically me."

6) Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special.

"My favorite characters. Tough one! Im tore between Amy Walker from Whatever Happened To Friends, and Paige Alonso from Every Witches Way. I like Paige because she's feisty, and I like Amy because she laughs with the crowd, and knows how to get over things easily."

7) Tell us about your first published book? What was the journey like?

"My first published book, Whatever Happened To Friends, originated from a dream I had. Even though very few details in it are still true to the dream, that was the source. My characters are based off of people in my life. I only tweaked the names a bit. If you were to know me in really life, you would know who those people are."

8) If your book was to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it?

"Amy Walker- MacKenzie Foy

Jake Thomas- Gage Munroe

Elijah Wright- Ryan Hanson Bradford

Colter Listeenez- David Mazouz

Cat Mitchell- Caitlin Carmichael

Talia Vanner- Kyla Deaver"

9) Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

"Yes, I'm working on my first fantasy book. It will be called The Crown in the Vale. I won't say much now, except it has a lot of Damsel in Distress type situations. If you like that kind of story, let me know, and I'll keep you updated."

10) What books or authors have most influenced your own writing?

"My favorite author lately has been Gabrielle Lord. Her series Conspiracy 365 is my all time favorite series. The book that inspired me most in my writing, though, has been Markus Zusak's The Book Thief. I am in love with his style of writing."

11) If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would you say?

"I would tell my younger self to discover Wattpad sooner, to be honest. I love the community we all have going here. I would probably also tell myself to start planning some FanFiction early. But most of all, I'd tell her to pay attention to her dreams. (You see the dream theme here?)"

12) In life, what do you think is the closest thing to magic?

"I think the closest thing to magic is Our Lord Jesus Christ. He makes miracles and saves us all from an eternal damnation to hell."

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