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Intro: Reading...Writing...ArithmaticToo much of it makes me sickMy name is NicoleJ and I'm a writer on Wattpad. Just a tropical girl with some godly ways and mixed roots. I'm also a Social Media Manager and a Fashion Designer, in addition to being Editor and Chief of the online magazine, Wattzine Elite. I have the beautiful hardworking Elite girls who assist in bring out the magazine on time. Thanks to StayJay12 one of my Co-executives who has helped a great deal.When I'm not reading, I'm writing and when I'm not writing I'm sewing and when I'm not sewing I'm binging and when I'm not binging I'm sleeping.So pretty much I'm always working.

I enjoy writing more than reading. Currently working on Gray Matters a mystery thriller of a young woman who suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder and has to deal with her past in the present. Also too I brought out a book called Frostbyte based on the August #justwriteit prompt - #BasementDiscovery. It's a fantasy of a woman who was unexpectedly selected to be queen of a realm she did not even know existed.

1) Where did your love of writing come from?

"My love for writing was something I was born with. I would like to believe that the first gift I was given was my imagination then a pencil and paper. Up till this day I keep huge amounts of writing paper about the house, because the need to scribble is great indeed.I remember too having sleepovers with my cousins and playing the game called Sims. I liked creating a background story for my characters and so when I didnt get time to play I would be writing out their story and then play it out to see what happens.Writing was just inborn. To actually pinpoint when the love started would be impossible. In school we were required to write essays and short stories based on an image or a statement and I remembered being really excited to start.Creative writing was my most treasured subject in school. My second published novel, His Resting Place was writing more than a decade ago. They asked us to write a story based on an abandoned train track and that's what I did."

2) How do you see writing? As a hobby or a passion?

"A passion is a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something. That's how I feel everytime I see paper or a blank page.I think I feel the same way my dear friend TheWhite_Tigress feels when she reads books. She loves to read and would devour the words on a page. I love to write. Once I'm in "The Zone", I write. And I don't stop until my draft is completed or writer's block slaps me in the face. So writing is a definite passion."

3) What do you enjoy most about writing books in general?

"The excitement I feel when the ideas bounce around in my head and I can't seem to type or write them down because I'm so excited. I see the beginning and the end and I see all the ways the story could be improved or switched up. And this gives me more ideas for other books.

Also the ability to create a whole new world. A new story with characters that you wish could exist in the real world. To be able to put yourself in that story and fantasize about what life would be like if things went this particular way.

And then too the fact that I can share it with my friends and family and see how their faces light up when they read your words. Or how they get uneasy because of a cringy scene and or a scary scene."

4) What were your goals and intentions in your most recent book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

"Recently I started a book called One Hit Wonders. It comprises of all the genres bundled up in short stories. The intention was to create something that a person can read in five minutes or on their lunch break.

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