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Intro: "My name is Taylor (Tay to most people), I'm a 27 year old contemporary writer - I write mostly adult/new adult fiction that focuses on tough issues such as addiction, grief, and mental illnesses. I'm a Watty Winner (2018 for "the heartbreakers"), Wattpad Star, and participant in the Paid Stories program."

1) Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

"My only current project is called The Science of Selling Yourself Short - it's about two struggling musicians and it's a third degree slow burn. I'm also working on a few things offline that may or may not come to Wattpad."

2) What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

"All kinds of imagery, and something that touches all the senses so readers can feel like they're really there with your characters. I also think it's important to write something you're passionate about, because that heart and soul gives your writing that extra something that readers can really feel."

3) Writing can be an emotionally draining and a very stressful pursuit. Do you have any tips for aspiring or young writers?

"TAKE BREAKS. For real - give your mind a break. Whether it's 1 hour or 1 whole week, you need to step away sometimes. It helps you recharge and refocus and allows you to revisit your work with fresh eyes."

4) What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the writing journey?

"So far my favorite part has been winning a Watty. It was amazing to know that my story touched people enough to give it such a prestigious award. The toughest part is probably dealing with ignorance. People who are unwilling to see a different side of things such as addiction or grief, and make an effort to understand what people who have experienced these things feel and are going through."

5) How many books have you written? Which is your favorite and why?

"I've completed plenty of FanFiction in my early days, but Crash Into Me which is my Watty winner and Paid Story is like my first born child. It's not even that it's just about being my favorite, but the story itself just means so much to me and holds a VERY special place in my heart. I'm not really sure any book I write again will top it in terms of emotion and heart and soul."

6) Do you have a favorite character that you have written? If so, who? And what makes them so special?

"This sounds silly, because as much as I love all my main characters, my favorite character is Nikki from Crash Into Me, who is the main character Natalie's younger sister. She has a big role but she's definitely not the MAIN. She's special to me because I don't have any sisters and I've always wanted one, so I modeled her after what I would want my sister to be like."

7) When you're writing a very emotional scene, how do you get in the mood?

"Music, for sure! I have pretty serious playlists for all my projects so I always play that to get myself really in the right mindset."

8) What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

"I think just my willingness to want to educate and inform people about tough subjects through my writing. I never though I would be in a position to do something like that, let alone WANT to do something like that."

9) If you could spend time a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

"I would definitely spend a day with Nikki and Ella (Brooklyn's sister). They're so fun and funny and remind me so much of my own friends. 10. Stephen King for sure. His talent for storytelling is just unmatched and I am a HUGE horror fan. I still think I lack the skill to write horror myself, but if I had him as a mentor, I'd be writing horror and thriller for sure."




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